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Molly Maloof, MD

Director of Clinical Content

belly fat

I had a baby 7 years ago i lost weight everywhere but the bottom of my belly. how can i get rid of it?
  • Female | 25 years old
  • Complaint duration: 90 days

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1 UpVoted this answer
Lower abdominal fat could be removed with liposuction, though after kids there may be a component of excess skin. if there is excess skin and fat, a mini-tummy tuck may be all that is needed. Upper excess abdominal skin could be tightened with a full abdominoplasty.
1 UpVoted this answer Robert N. Severinac, MD Plastic Surgeon, Fort Wayne
Women go through a lot to have children, including a major change in body image. Pregnancy causes a tremendous stretch of the lower abdominal skin so typically both excess skin and fat must be removed for an optimal result. An abdominoplasty is a very effective way of removing excess skin and fat from the lower abdomen. Abdominoplasty is often referred to as "tummy tuck" which is a misnomer. The skin and fat layer are not tucked but actually removed. Typically, most of the skin and underlying fat layer from the navel to the pubic is removed. This is done through a incision that runs from one hip bone area to the other coursing down toward the pubic area. The skin and fat “flap” is elevated off the underlying muscle layer leaving the navel attached to the muscle layer (to be pulled through later). The muscle layer is almost always stretched out from pregnancy as well. This can be tightened through a midline suturing of the muscle what can be thought of as a internal corset tightening the muscle layer back to it original form. This can give a more hourglass and less protrusive appearance of the torso. The skin flap is then pulled down over the muscle layer and the excess skin and fat tissue is excised. Much if the stretch marks below the navel are removed in the excess skin. The new flap edge is then sutured to the original incisional edge and the navel is pulled through a hole in the skin flap and sutured in place. The main incision is hidden within most modest underwear and bathing suits. It typically heals very nicely into a fine line. The recovery for abdominoplasty is typically 2 to 3 weeks to minor house work or an office type job. It is 4 to 6 weeks for exercise or a labor type job.

A minor abdominoplasty (aka “mini tummy tuck) involves removing the lower abdominal skin and fat without addressing the navel. This procedure does not address skin and fat or the muscle layer above the navel. If there are concerns in the upper abdomen, then a major abdominoplasty is required. Liposuction of this area is appropriate only if there is minimal skin excess, which is uncommon following pregancy.

One very important consideration is that you should be sure you are done having children before abdominoplasty because a pregnancy would severely stretch the tightened skin and muscle tissues and undo the results with the possibility of severe stretch marks.
Robert N. Severinac
Liposuction can remove unwanted lower abdominal belly fat. However liposuction does not remove redundant skin and if this is a concern different procedure such as a tummy tuck may be required for best results.
A plastic surgeon would need to see you to know what you need. It could be a little lipo or a full tummy tuck, it all depends on what is causing the pouchy stomach.
The options are variable and range from liposuction to an abdominoplasty. Before making a decision, a plastic surgery consultation would be needed to figure out what options would be in your best interest and what goals can be realistically achieved.
Ravinder Jarial
An in-person consultation would be better to determine if you need fat removed or the abdominal wall tightened with it. See a Board Certified plastic surgeon for a consultation and go to this link for details:
Karol A. Gutowski
Liposuction works great as an outpatient procedure if there is not extensive loose skin as well. If so you may be a candidate for a tummy tuck. An exam with a board certified plastic surgeon will be able to let you know the procedure best for you.
Larry S. Nichter
You should do a 20 minute aerobic routine 4 times a week. I would also suggest a good Pilates class weekly.
A Tummy Tuck, or a mini tummy tuck could be ideal for you. One great way to check the expertise of your surgeon is to check closely at the belly buttons he creates. The before and after gallery should have dozens of before and after images from all angles and the ability ti zoom in on belly buttons. if you see a visible scar around the belly button, keep looking.
Michael Law
A Tummy Tuck, or a mini tummy tuck could be ideal for you. One great way to check the expertise of your surgeon is to check closely at the belly buttons he creates. The before and after gallery should have dozens of before and after images from all angles and the ability ti zoom in on belly buttons. if you see a visible scar around the belly button, keep looking.
Michael Law