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Family Dentists is on Facebook 06-16-2011


Facebook logo | Thomas Renny | Dentist | Fair Lawn, NJ

CEREC Demonstration from "The Doctors" 12-14-2010


A short video about the CEREC single-visit restoration machine.


CEREC 10-26-2010

Crowns in One Hour

Cheryl Calmis


Dental crowns (or caps) have been used to fix broken or decayed teeth for over one-hundred years. For most of this time, gold crowns were the best choice. But what if you don’t want to flash an 18-carat grin?


After that, a way was found to make a tooth-colored crown out of porcelain fused to metal (PFM), much in the same way that porcelain bath tubs and kitchen sinks are made. The problem is that a PFM crown looks unnatural because, unlike your real tooth, this type of crown does not let light... read more

Implants, Crowns, Bridges, and Veneers 09-03-2010

Katie Sullivan
Dental Implant | Thomas Renny | Dentist | Fair Lawn, NJWhy Should I Replace a Missing Tooth?
The healthiest alternative to a missing tooth is to have it replaced. Potential issues may arise associated with a lost tooth, such as biting, chewing, and speaking problems, headaches, muscle pain, as well as an unattractive appearance.
What are Dental Implants?
Dental implants serve as the base for many tooth-replacement options, including bridges, dentures and individual artificial teeth. Implants are surgically implanted in the jaw to provide a comfortable... read more

Teeth Whitening 08-13-2010

Products, Procedures, and Myths

Katie Sullivan


Strawberry in white teeth | Thomas Renny | Dentist | Fair Lawn, NJTeeth whitening has become all the rage in cosmetic dentistry. A pearly-white smile embodies a healthy, youthful and attractive radiance that is vastly appealing in our society. If your smile is lacking a little sparkle, become familiar with these products and procedures and steer clear of some teeth-whitening myths to achieve your picture-perfect results.

Before we discuss bleaching, let’s briefly talk about teeth stains. There are two types of discolorations that teeth can acquire... read more

What's the Difference Between Dental Crowns and Bridges? 07-11-2010

Alissa Pacheco


Dental Bridge | Thomas Renny | Dentist | Fair Lawn, NJ

Dental crowns and bridges have long been useful in correcting and protecting teeth. There are several different kinds of each and they have different functions.

A crown fits over a single tooth, when that tooth no longer is structurally sound. Full gold crowns are great to fit around molars. They have high tensile strength and work well next to the gum line. All porcelain crowns are great for the front of the teeth. They give off a nice shine and can be matched with neighboring teeth in color... read more

"As popular as a root canal" 06-24-2010

Six myths about root canal therapy

Cheryl Calmis


Man needing root canal therapy | Thomas Renny | Dentist | Fair Lawn, NJ


Root canals get a lot of bad press. Even President Obama, in his first State of the Union address, said that the bank bailout was “as popular as a root canal.” While I’m sure that no one actually looks forward to getting a root canal, they don’t deserve all this negativity. Let’s look at some common myths about root canal therapy to try to separate fact from fiction.


Myth #1: Root Canal Therapy is Painful

The reality is that most root canal treatments are done because a tooth is already painful... read more