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ClearCorrect | Anna Belous | Dentist | Rochester, NY

ClearCorrect is an attractive alternative to traditional braces. It uses a series of computer-crafted, clear, removable aligners that are custom-made for your mouth. The ClearCorrect process is designed to gradually move your teeth into proper alignment. Its custom treatment plan includes creating 3D models of your teeth as well as a before-and-after computer representation to track your results.

ClearCorrect offers many potential benefits over traditional braces. For one, the aligners are removable. This means you can eat whatever you want (as long as you stick to your diet), and you can brush and floss much easier than if you were wearing braces. In addition, ClearCorrect aligners are, well, clear. This allows you to discreetly fix your smile in a way that minimally impacts your appearance and your daily life. Whether you have minor crowding or spacing, or severe misalignment, ClearCorrect is an alternative to consider.