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Molly Maloof, MD

Director of Clinical Content

Anxiety insomnia

I am 20 years old male and I was having anxiety problems due to which I was prescribed a drug called Amixide - H . I had sleepless nights and I was suffering alot but after having this drug Amixide - H . My problem has resolved completely. My question is - Does this Drug Amixide - H have any side effects ? And for how long I can use this drug ?
  • Male | 20 years old
  • Complaint duration: 48 days
  • Medications: Amixide - H

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13 UpVoted this answer
Hello; dear 20 years old client;

Based on your problem treatment prognosis, your Anxiety Insomnia was reactive transient Anx. Ins. . In these cases, after treatment of client; holistic / alternative medicine is better than choosing conventional chemical drugs therapies, for following therapy - especially, in a sensitive and, keen case such as you. As maybe you know or, hear each and, every drug has its side-effects and, as its go to special drug, it's side-effects converts to special side-effects; and, Amixide - H or, Amitriptyline tabs ( 5/12.5mgs. ) are as this. If you're worry or, anxious about this drug taking duration; you can counsel / talk with your doctor that he / she chose this drug for your problem; and, beside this you can ask him / her for choosing or substitute other drugs / remedies for you; why these cases maybe press your mind and, your Anxiety Insomnia start again; and, this state create a vicious circle for you.

Let I put some information on this drug for your study:

Amitriptyline—Although the exact mechanism of action in the treatment of depression is unclear, tricyclic antidepressants, such as amitriptyline, are thought to increase the synaptic concentration of norepinephrine (levarterenol; NE) and/or serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine; 5-HT) in the central nervous system (CNS). One theory suggests that these neurotransmitters are increased through inhibition of their reuptake by the presynaptic neuronal membrane. Amitriptyline appears to be more potent in blocking serotonin, although, through its metabolites, it becomes a powerful inhibitor of norepinephrine reuptake also.

In a brief, for your resting mind about this problem, you must be talk with your doctor; for continuing or finishing of taking this drug.

Hopefully, you treat and, cure in the best way with the safest and healthiest method and, treatment plan.
Prof. Dr. C.P Abdolrasoul Aleezaadeh
3 UpVoted this answer
this like all medications needs to be explained to you in full when prescribed by the person doing the prescribing. Side effects are difficult to deal with or gauge sometimes because every body is different but the general side effects can be described to you for you through your md
2 UpVoted this answer
Amixide H is a medication not approved in the US. it is a combination of AMitriptyline ( an old antidepressant ) and Chlorodiazepoxide ( a medium-long acting Benzodiazepines. it is not a good idea to use this combination for longer than 2-4 wks because of the benzodiazepine component. Anxiety should be treated. Amitriptyline 10-20mg can be used alone to promote better sleep and can be taken for several months to several years
Imad Khreim
2 UpVoted this answer
I have not used this medication in my practice but I have read about it. It can be addictive. Other s/e I have read are breast enlargement and bone marrow depression. The common one is abdominal pain. I would be worried about addictive nature of its use considering you are so young. That is all I can tell you at this point.
Arvinder Kaul
1 UpVoted this answer
AmixideH is a combination of 2 old medications, a tricyclic (amitriptyline aka Elavil ) and benzodiazepine (clordiazepoxide aka Librium). Tricyclics can cause dry mouth, constipation and lightheadedness upon standing (ortho static hypotension) and weight gain at any dose as well as abnormal heart rhythm (ventricular irritability) in overdose. Benzodiazepines can cause dependency and withdrawal after taken regularly. Some, but not Librium, have high abuse potential and cause addiction in vulnerable subjects. While Elavil has numerous benefits for various conditions and can promote sleep, and Librium is an effective anxiolytic, there are other medications that can treat both sleep and anxiety disorders with less potential downside. However, my usual a approach is "if it ain't broke, don't fix it." While there is some controversy about duration of benzodiazepine use and most psychiatrists prefer patients to taper off once stable, both medications have been used successfully for many years and some patients take them for many years without problem. On the other hand, many experts don't prefer treating with combination medications, because that eliminates the possibility of altering dose of each, and that particular combination is very old fashioned, certainly not state of the art.
Robert Hoffman
1 UpVoted this answer
Your point is well taken. It is important to go back to your physician that prescribed the drug and ask him about the side effects.
Dr. Dorothy Gaine
1 UpVoted this answer
Hello, and thank you for your question. All medications have side effects, and so does Amixide H. My recommendation would be to have an open discussion with the prescribing doctor about the medication, in terms of side effects and the duration of use recommended. The more closely you collaborate with your doctor, the better he or she can gauge, based on your accurate reporting of how you are feeling on the drug,when would be a good time to discontinue use, change he dosage, or switch to another medication. Best of luck.
Rivkah Kaufman
1 UpVoted this answer
This is a question best answered by your prescribing Dr .
Debbie Barbaroussis Goot
1 UpVoted this answer
Amixide h is usually for short term usage, ,,,weening off is highly recommended. The side effects can range from dry mouth, ,constipation, ,fatigue, weight loss. While on amixide h ,,,,, do not drink any alcohol or use Tylenol products, ,,, that may/can cause unpleasant interactions.
Dr. Kristin Castillo
1 UpVoted this answer
I would contact any local pharmacy and speak with a pharmacist. The pharmacist would be better able to answer this question in regards to the medications and side effects. It sounds like a good medication being that it has completely resolved all the problems it is supposed to resolve! Many medications do come with side effects, however, sometimes you have to out weigh the benefits over the side effects. In this case anxiety and insomnia can cause several other health issues, so if it were me, I would continue with the medication. Hope this helps!
Jim Lovett