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Molly Maloof, MD

Director of Clinical Content

saline implants

I"m 65 years of age and my saline implants are quite old, aside from obvious changes due to aging, last year my right implant showed a dent or wrinkle and they concluded I have a small leak. Why after a year has my breast not gotten any smaller in size, is it possibly something else? I would like to avoid surgery unless necessary but I'm worried. I'm unable to provide you a photo, thank you.
  • Female | 65 years old
  • Medications: ativan, elavil, ventolin
  • Conditions: asthma

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2 UpVoted this answer
First and foremost, only a board-certified plastic surgeon is qualified to answer your question. Please disregard all answers provided to you by anyone who is not a plastic surgeon.

Without examining you and knowing how long your implants have actually been in and what size they are, there is no way to give you more specific information. Sometimes saline implants can have very small slow leak and it can take a long time for the breast to go flat. That being said, you may have gained weight over the years and have more volume in your breasts now than you used to. This can mask a deflation. Again, without seeing you and examining you there's no way to tell. A deflated saline implant is not a major cause for worry, meaning that you don't need to have urgent surgery to remove or replace the implant. However, no device is meant for a lifetime. The saline implants made by American companies typically have a 10 year warranty for deflation. There is a compounded risk for deflation the longer you have the implants.

The best thing to do is for you to follow up with the plastic surgeon who placed your implants. If that is not possible, then I advise you to follow up with a different plastic surgeon. If there is concern for worry, meaning there is a breast mass that has been seen on a mammogram or ultrasound, you can be sent for additional tests or imaging, if it is deemed appropriate. If you had a normal mammogram but no ultrasound, you may need have an ultrasound. If indeed all you have is a wrinkle or ripple in the shell of your implant, there is nothing to do for this other than removing the implant and/or replacing it. Again, the devices are not meant to last a lifetime.
2 UpVoted this answer
It's impossible to know what is going on without seeing and examine you. You can just lose volume normally and the implant can wrinkle. All can be corrected if you want, it doesn't mean you have a problem necessarily.
2 UpVoted this answer
I feel the answers by my colleagues have very nicely covered the problem. Leak is doubtful in this case. No real need for surgery at this time unless you want a better appearance.
Vigen B Darian
1 UpVoted this answer
If you have had regular breast exams and mammograms and no further workup was recommended you should be fine. You may not have a leak just some volume loss to the regular breast tissue.
Edward M. Zimmerman
1 UpVoted this answer
Yes it could be something else, however I echo the opinion of the others. This is a question that requires an examination by a board certified Plastic Surgeon. Saline implant can minimally diminish in size with time. Dents and wrinkles may be visible with time due to weight loss leading to volume loss in the breast. Just go see another physician for another opinion.
Katharine C. Nitta
1 UpVoted this answer
As we age and saline implants age within us there can be changes that occur including increased wrinkling and rippling of the implant and thining of the tissues
Eric P. Bachelor
1 UpVoted this answer
If you do not want surgery to improve the cosmetic aspect of your breasts you do not need to have any procedures! The leak may have been a one time loss of fluid and may have stopped since.
Morad Tavallali
1 UpVoted this answer
Breasts change in volume, firmness, and the amount of loose skin over the years. It sounds likely that your right breast has what we call rippling, or visibility of the implant shell through the skin. This is common with older saline implants in patients with thin tissues, especially if the implants are on top of the muscle.

If you would like to have revision surgery, consider a silicone implant, especially one with a highly cohesive gel (like Natrelle's Inspira implant) to minimize the chance of rippling. You may or may not also desire a lift to tighten the tissue around the implant. Overall, I recommend seeing one or more board certified plastic surgeons to get an opinion. There is not really a need for surgery in your situation unless you want to improve the appearance.
Dana M. Goldberg
1 UpVoted this answer
Thank you for the question and over time your breast may have thinned over the implants making them more palpable and the implant sac may have stretched over time making the bag also more palpable. There also could have been a small leak at the valve area that has now sealed itself. Either way thee is no immediate need to change your implants unless you are unhappy with the look of your breasts.

Dr. Corbin
Frederic H. Corbin
1 UpVoted this answer
You probably don't have a leak. Saline implants usually go flat if there is a leak. You probably have lost tissue over the implant and are feeling it more than before. I second the opinion of my colleagues. Get a consultation with a board certified plastic surgeon. Discuss your options. This will give you peace of mind. It doesn't mean you have to do anything.
Tracy E. McCall