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Molly Maloof, MD

Director of Clinical Content

hard stool

dear sir,

my baby is one year old. she is passing hard stool day by another day with little blood. what should i need to do for soft and clear stool?
  • Male | 35 years old
  • Complaint duration: 6 days
  • Medications: no
  • Conditions: no

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Featured Answer

1 UpVoted this answer
Small amounts of blood (such as flecks or streaks) are to be expected with hard stools that include the child straining to poop. Large amounts of blood would be uncommon and would require prompt medical attention.

You may try either prune juice (excellent suggestion) or Miralax. Miralax is exceedingly safe and can be titrated to two soft stools per day. Every child is different and your daughter may need anywhere from 1/2 cap every other day to 1-2 caps twice a day.

I would encourage you to be prompt about resolving this. If left unchecked, it could become a serious problem, as well as cause behavioral problems such as developing a phobia of moving her bowels (due to the pain) thus causing fecal retention, worsening the problem, causing accidents/explosions, and starting a vicious cycle.

Christopher J. Russo MD FAAP

Director of Pediatrics

Director - Pediatric Hospitalist Program

Centra Medical Group

Centra Lynchburg General Hospital

Lynchburg, Virginia
Christopher Russo
1 UpVoted this answer
Due to consumption of red foods this happens, Prune juice helps..
Maria-Yaneth Albarracin
This is a common problem from firm stools. Simple steps can include providing prunes or pears to eat or giving 2-4 oz of prune or pear juice, undiluted, to soften stools. These work better than other fruits/juices due to the naturally occurring levels of sorbitol which is not well absorbed, thus pulling more water into the colon to soften stools. Adequate hydration is always important, as well. If that doesn't prove helpful a trip to the pediatrician is a good idea.
Michael Minozzi
In our experience we use about 1/4-1/2 cap of mirilax (can get over-the-counter and follow instructions on bottle) in the morning feed. Also need to increase the babies fluids. However, I would recommend that the baby be seen by your pediatrician if passing bits of blood and if this problem persists. Thanks.