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Molly Maloof, MD

Director of Clinical Content

Chin implant

I got a chin implant back in 2011 and as time has gone by I'm really not happy with the results. I plan on getting rhinoplasty in the future, but even with that I think my chin is still to small....Help!
  • Female | 32 years old

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1 UpVoted this answer
Chin implant and rhinoplasty are often performed together.

These surgeries help to improve projection and profile. Doctors sometimes refer to a cephalometric analysis to complete this goal.

Cephalometrics are measurements of facial projections that help to determine what "normal" means with respect to nose and chin projection.

What is too small or too big is sometimes not certain, so measurements sometimes help.

Also, it is important to understand dental occlusion. Upper teeth and lower teeth should meet in a "normal bite". A normal bite usually includes a few millimeters of overbite of the front teeth.

The reason these assessments are important is they help to decide whether a reasonably sized chin implant is appropriate or whether another surgery may deliver a more optimal result.

I would recommend seeing at least 2 plastic surgeons to assess your nose.

This may improve your overall profile. I am not a fan of fillers for chin or nasal improvement because they are temporary. However, Radiesse lasts over 1 year and may help you and your physician to decide whether more projection will improve your appearance. Later, you can transition to an implant revision if desired. Some patients who believe they would be improved by a chin implant really need a mandibular advancement or other orthognathic surgery. Orthognathic (maxillary / mandibular surgery) like all surgery, should be carefully considered, but is sometimes an option.

Good luck!!
1 UpVoted this answer
Chin implants can be individualized and molded to a patients face. Looking at the chin in preparation for a chin implant or genioplasty is important. The male and female lower facial aesthetics are different, and smaller chin implants are typically used in women. The chin needs to balanced with the lower lip and the nose. If the nose is going to change with a rhinoplasty or nose job, it would be important to make changes at that time if needed or even wait until after the rhinoplasty.
1 UpVoted this answer
Hi, I have performed many chin augmentations, using a chin implant, for over 30 years. A non smiling photo from the front and side would help in the evaluation.the chin is weak creating an imbalance making the nose appear larger, the mid face top heavy and the lower face appear shorter which de-emphasizes the shape and fullness of the lips. Chin augmentation, using a chin implant, will add projection to the chin creating harmony and balance to the lower face. I have found placing a silastic chin implant through a small, curved, incisions under the chin to be very safe, quick, highly effective and far less invasive than a sliding genioplasty that requires bone cuts with placement of screws and metal plates. An Xray of your chin should be done to determine the amount of bone absorption, if any, behind the implant.

Hope this helps.
Francis R. Palmer
1 UpVoted this answer
I would certainly address this question with the facial plastic surgeon you select to perform your rhinoplasty as your best results will depend on balance between your nose and chin. Evaluation of your chin should determine whether you need a different implant or a genioplasty(chin advancement) is more appropriate. These procedures could be performed at the time of your nasal surgery. Good luck and be sure to select a board certified facial plastic surgeon with experience to perform your procedures.
Bradford Patt
1 UpVoted this answer
I am sorry to hear you are unhappy with you previous chin implant procedure. A weak chin causes legions to curse their fate, grow beards that become life time disguises, wear concealing scarves and turtlenecks, and try to avoid being viewed in profile. A mentoplasty to improve a weak chin can work wonders. An artful surgeon not only will make the chin more prominent, but will do so in a way that better complements the nose (among other anatomical landmarks) and improves the face’s overall symmetry and harmony, The maxilla and mandible—the upper and lower parts of the jaw—will also be better aligned by a chin implant. It is possible to remove the chin implant you now have and replace it with one that better fits your facial features.

This procedure can be performed at the same time as your nose surgery. A nose should fit your facial features, skin tone, ethnicity, and even height, and a good surgeon will work with you to arrive at the optimally harmonious look. But many surgeons have a favorite style: the ski jump, the pug, the narrow bridge, etc. When interviewing doctors, be sure to ask to see their work. Have them show you photographs or computer images, or point out any nurses or other staff who have had a nose job done by them.
Michelle Copeland
Large and unshapely noses can compromise self-confidence at any age. The procedure can alter the size and shape of the nose, assisting men, women and older teenagers in improving their self-image. Both older teens and adults gain tremendous relief from the long-standing embarrassment from feeling their noses are too big, bumpy, wide or long!

Many breathing problems and nasal deformities from birth or particularly following trauma can be improved with rhinoplasty and septoplasty.

A Septorhinoplasty is often encouraged when the septum is deviated and the individual has breathing problems as well.

Both the cosmetic aspect and the ability to breathe better are achieved at the same time.

There are different levels of surgical nose reshaping depending on your needs and desires.

Changes can be made to the tip, the bump, width, length and size of the nose.

Non-Surgical Nose Reshaping is available for smaller changes or to refine prior surgical procedures. Consider:

Botox to lift or drop and widen the tip. Botox to widen the upper lip and reduce a "gummy" smile. Fillers such Radiesse, Restylane or Juvederm will sculpt or fill the areas of the tip or back of the nose.

Your concerns regarding the chin implant are well appreciated! Your options include:

1. completing your rhinoplasty to see if your prior chin surgery improves your profile

2. change to a different type of implant with better shape for you at the time of rhinoplasty or as I suggest later.

3. remove the implant and allow to heal and soften; consider a surgical chin advancement or Radiesse filler.

I hope this helps! Always consult a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon or ENT Surgeon with Nose and Chin expertise. All the best!
Great question

Chin implants, on the right person, usually help balance the will your rhinoplasty. That being said, it could be the wrong size or wrong style of implant was used for your individual needs.

As you meet different surgeons, make sure to ask on their chin implant and rhinoplasty experience...regardless of board certification and background, you want a surgeon who has a significant rhinoplasty and chin implant experience with photos and testimonials to back it up

Michael Rodriguez MD FAACS
It is most important to look at the face and profile as a unit. When the nose is done, to get it in the proper size and position, then the old chin can be removed and replaced with the proper size and shaped chin at the same operative setting. You then should heal with a perfect profile and all features in their proper degree of projection . If the work is done skillfully and artistically it will look perfectly natural. I do all this work in my office operating room with oral sedation and local anesthesia safely and painlessly
Without seeing photographs of your original profile I have make some educated guesses, but I suspect that you might have needed more than just a chin implant, especially if you still have a rhinoplasty in mind.

I would recommend that you seek out a plastic surgeon in your area who has experience with maxillo/facial surgery and get a second opinion. You might do better with corrective jaw surgery and that can be complex and should not be attempted by "amateurs".

Good luck!
Louis Mes
I have a Vectra 3 dimensional imaging system that can help determine what might be accomplished by a rhinoplasty and revision chin implant.
larry weinstein