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Molly Maloof, MD

Director of Clinical Content


Best advice to reduce swelling after lip lift surgery?
  • Female | 54 years old

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2 UpVoted this answer
Assuming the surgery was recent, best treatment is to apply cold compresses. If the swelling continues or the area is red and inflamed, it may be infection and you should consult with your surgeon.
Elliot W. Jacobs, MD, FACS
1 UpVoted this answer
Speak with your surgeon and consider arnica, bromelain, and ice. Stay elevated as well.
1 UpVoted this answer
Plan to sit up to sleep for 3-5 days after surgery. Use cold/ice compresses the first 24 hours. Limit your activities
Eric P. Bachelor
1 UpVoted this answer
Why would you not ask your surgeon? The most common methods to speed reduction of swelling are: Ice therapy, elevation of the head of the the bed, steroid antiinflammatory use, Arnica Montana and Bromelain. But ask your surgeon....
Erik Nuveen
Lip surgery can lead to increased swelling of the upper lip due to upper lip skin looseness. Swelling should resolve over the first week.
Arian Mowlavi
Cooling with frozen peas in a ziploc bag on the area immediately after the procedure and continue for 2 days. Apply for 20 minutes once or twice an hour. Arnica Montana both topically and orally can help. Bromeline is also helpful.
Anti-inflammatory agents such as Arnica and Bromelein can be very effective, and should ideally be started 2 weeks prior to your surgical procedure.

The use of ice slushes, slurries, Popsicles and assorted frozen treats can help to minimize the swelling while giving you a comfort treat.

To create a more functional cold compress, the packs of green peas frozen make for excellent compresses.
Mark Anthony Fitzanther Knight
Ice packs and elevation should be your best bets.
Robert True
It is best to follow the post surgery instructions specified by your plastic surgeon such as sleeping elevated with 2 pillows behind your back to reduce swelling, avoid direct sunlight and do exercise or strenuous activities for the recommended amount of time specified by your doctor.
Mario Alfonso Gonzalez Cepeda
Keep your head elevated above your heart. Using ice early on can be helpful. Taking herbal supplements like arnica may lack conclusive scientific proof, but anecdotally many patients and doctors think they work. Also, avoid things that can contribute to bleeding like high heart rate or blood pressure from over activity, and blood thinners like ibuprofen and alcohol for a week or two after surgery.
Dana M. Goldberg