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Molly Maloof, MD

Director of Clinical Content

Breast implants

I am an A cup 28.5 rib cage. 104 lbs. 5'5" seeking natural look. My breast width diameter is 11.5, and I want a C cup look (not actual bra size) that is not the high profile fake look (want natural upper pole slope with bottom fullness and width) Will Sientras silicone (unders) smooth round moderate high projection be too far out at 4.5 projection? My plastic surgeon is recommending this. Another plastic surgeon suggested the natrelle silicone round under the muscle 304cc with 4 projection.
  • Female | 43 years old
  • Complaint duration: 30 days
  • Ethnicity: Caucasian / White
  • Height: 5'5"
  • Weight: 103lbs
  • Medications: None
  • Conditions: None
  • Hospitalizations: None

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2 UpVoted this answer
Both are good suggestions. For sure, with your thin weight, you should do silicone. Under the muscle would also be recommended so you're less likely to see the border of the implant in the upper pole. The size really depends on your desires. We have patients try on the different sizes and see how they look in a T-shirt. They then pick the size that best suits what they want.
Robert True
2 UpVoted this answer
You are obviously very slender and have a very narrow chest for your height. While without actually seeing your chest and deciding for myself what would be best in your situation, there are a few principles that you should bear in mind when you select an implant.

Firstly , in general, the thinner you are and the less breast tissue you have, the less likely you are to be a good candidate for any shaped or textured implant.

Secondly, the shorter the distance from the nipple to your breast fold, the more likely you are to be a good candidate for a shaped implant.

Thirdly, does your surgeon intend to locate the implant under or in front of your pectoral muscles?

Remember that post -op. photos of augmentations done with shaped implant look very good but because the implants are firmer they do not "behave" as naturally as the softer round devices when you wear a bra and try to "manipulate" the implant like a natural breast. Also, the edges of shaped implants are often visible in thin patients, especially if they are placed in front of the muscles.

Most problems that I deal with in my practice, having to do with revision surgery and second opinions, can be traced back to patients and their surgeons being "greedy" in the first operation and using an implant that is too wide/large. Remember that the body adapts and tissue stretches, so coming back at a later date for further enhancement is often a very practical compromise when there are any doubts in the beginning.

I hope this will help you sort out the plethora of opinions out there. Good Luck.
Louis Mes
2 UpVoted this answer
Breast implant size is a very individual decision based on goals and breast dimensions. In general, one cup size is about 150 to 200 cc in a normal sized patient, so a 300 to 400 cc range would be appropriate. If a 'natural' shape and upper pole is desired with a narrow breast (11.5 base), an anatomic implant or moderate projection would be appropriate if it fits your breast dimension. Placement of a breast implant under the muscle during a breast augmentation will provide a more natural upper pole.
2 UpVoted this answer Orna Fisher, MD Plastic Surgery, Las Vegas
Thank you for your question and a 300cc implant of appropriate width from either company should do fine but ideally an examination is needed

Dr Corbin
Frederic H. Corbin
1 UpVoted this answer
The best silicone implant available today is the Inspira Allergan Natrelle implant. By the way, scientra implants have been put on suspension by FDA. What size implant is the best for you is dependent on you chest diameter and more importantly on your nipple to inframammary crease distance on stretch.
Arian Mowlavi
1 UpVoted this answer
I generally use submuscular high profile implants. Submuscular approach ensures preservation of the natural contour. "Teardrop" or form-stable implants are now manufactured by mentor, sientra, and allergan. These implants do indeed provide upper pole and additional lower pole fullness. If your physician has experience in these implants, they may provide a favorable, natural look when placed precisely in meticulously dissected retropectoral pocket. However, if there is any rotation of the implant or if it implanted even slightly off-center, it will be obvious in your outcome. Round implants are more forgiving in there results. I hope this helps!!
1 UpVoted this answer
Try to communicate your desires to your surgeon and have a conversation that makes sense to you. Once you both agree on the look that is realistically obtainable trust you will be happy. It is important to like the surgeon's work since ultimately they create the results.
1 UpVoted this answer
Impressive in depth consideration on your part as a breast augmentation patient. The difference in the projection your are considering is 5mm, That is a distance between these two lines: | |. My point is that you really need to trust in the plastic surgeon that you feel good about who can explain her or his rational in choosing a particular implant in your case. Also realize that with a very thin body type such as yours, the "fake look" you are trying to avoid may still be apparent even with the plastic surgeons best efforts, You may not have the tissue thickness cover to produce a natural upper pole even with the so called anatomic implants. I trust, however, that even with a less than perfect natural result you will still be happy.
1 UpVoted this answer
Based on your desired look, a shaped (anatomic implant) may be appropriate for you. That being said, the technical details depend on many factors, and are for a plastic surgeon to decide based on actual physical exam findings and measurements. You have a narrow breast and to get the volume you want, there may be little option but to use a high profile implant. However, you should note that the Sientra round high profile is actually not a true high profile like the textured round version or the smooth round of the other brands.
1 UpVoted this answer
There is still not enough information for a great answer but the volume you need for a 32 bra will be under 300 cc and a shaped implant may give you the natural appearance you want.. as thin as you are, under the muscle is best.i don't know if you have any sagging that would require a lift
Jed Horowitz