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Molly Maloof, MD

Director of Clinical Content

more red lines in the white of the eyes

why would there be more red lines in the whit of the eyes
  • Female
  • Medications: none
  • Conditions: none

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15 UpVoted this answer
You actually do not have more red lines, as these are your normal blood vessels that are in your eyes. Why you are noticing them more is that they are probably more dilated (larger in diameter) than usual. Allergies, dry eyes and infections are the most common causes. See your optometrist for evaluation.
Wayne Culbertson
13 UpVoted this answer
Not enough sleep and too many drugs.
Randall Bernstein
10 UpVoted this answer
Red lines in the eyes indicate problems in the body. Someone who has studies sclerology can explain the lines. It is due to inflammation in the body.
10 UpVoted this answer Mark Sibley, MD Ophthalmologist, St Petersburg
The red lines you are referring to are small capillaries that transverse above the white of your eye (sclera) and are in the conjunctiva. It is normal to have these "red lines" in all eyes. If your eyes are irritated or you have an eye infection then the capillaries will be more pronounced a condition we call injection. If your eyes are blood-shot, do not over use "Visine-like" products. In stead have an eye doctor determine the cause and treat the condition and not just mask the symptoms.
Donald J. Higgins
7 UpVoted this answer Mark Sibley, MD Ophthalmologist, St Petersburg
I understand why you would be concerned about more redness in this area, and there are a number of possibilities. Take a moment to notice if you have any itching, burning, discharge, or light sensitivity occurring with the redness. And notice if the redness is in one or both eyes. How long has this been going on, and does it seem to be getting better or worse? This is all important information to relay to your eye doctor. Most of the causes for what you are experiencing are not serious and you can most likely receive some beneficial treatment(s) but you will need to be evaluated in your eye doctor's office.
Jeffrey Jessup
5 UpVoted this answer
Think of the red lines as a warning signal that the eyes are not as comfortable as they should be. The redness is often caused by irritation or inflammation within the capillaries of the eye. A comprehensive eye examination by your eye doctor should reveal the cause of this problem, and he/she can treat this effectively with appropriate eye drops. Avoid using Visine, as this can have very negative side effects. Good luck!
Dr. Rita Ellent
2 UpVoted this answer

indicating that your eyes need some profesional attention, could be alergy , could be dryness, the best advise i can recommended is make an appointment for check your eyes

Have a great day

Sincerely: Dr. Alberto Monier By Tijuana Vision Optical
Alberto Monier
1 UpVoted this answer
Red lines may be caused from lack of sleep, allergies or other conditions. Billberry and Vitamin A are good supplements for the eyes. Please consult with an Opthamologist.
Margaret Bailey
Everyone has them. How visible they are depends on many factors...some of which you can control. These include optimizing the tear film and treating any inflammation of the eyelids and conjunctiva directly
Michael Brenner
The blood vessels are always visible. They get more blood shot for a reason. These answers below from my colleagues do address the common causes and possibilities. The best answer from us is that we cannot tell from your email what is the cause and an eye exam is our recommendation...But do not use visine-like drops to "get the red out"...They may make it worse and just delay you getting an exam. Keep us posted..
Mark Sibley