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Molly Maloof, MD

Director of Clinical Content

What is the best medication for anxiety that doesnt cause tiredness?

I have tried many medications and have gone off all of them because being tired all the time made working much harder. I have talked to my doctor about this but have not tried anything that worked.

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There are two types of medications, which help anxiety:

1.One that works right away and acts like a band-aid including benzodiazepines like Xanax, Klonopin, Ativan etc, they cause relaxation in the cells but does not last long. Benzodiazepines enhance the effect of the neurotransmitter gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) at the GABAA receptor, resulting in sedative, hypnotic (sleep-inducing), anxiolytic (anti-anxiety), euphoric, anticonvulsant, and muscle relaxant properties. They can be habit forming and cause tolerance and withdrawal.

2. Others which can restore the imbalance of norepinephrine and serotonin including Effexor, Cymbalta and others which does not work right away and takes few weeks for effect but once they start working they last longer and are not habit forming. They don’t cause any tiredness if taken in lower doses.

So the ideal combination would be starting a low dose of number 2 like Effexor and same time taking really low dose of number 1 like Klonopin for few weeks till number 2 starts working and then slowly tapering number 1 medication.


taking 37.5 mg of Effexor xr along with 0.25 or even 0.125 mg of Klonopin 2-3 times a day to avoid tiredness for 4 weeks and slowly increasing Effexor xr to 75 mg, 112.5 mg, 150 mg or even 225 mg in few weeks and slowly tapering the Klonopin from 2-3 times daily to twice daily to once daily to as needed basis.
Anxiety, like other issues requires a good physical and psychological assessment to determine the causes of your anxiety. Sometimes anxiety is biological and genetic. Sometimes it is derived from a history of trama and related to PTSD. Sometimes it is a characteristic of very highly striving, ambitious people. The solution should matched to the source and reasson for the anxiety. Trauma anxiety may be treated best by trauma informed CBT, while biological anxiety that is genetic may be best treated by a combination of skill building and medication. Relaxation techniques, midfulness, and visualization are useful for many people with anxiety regardless of the source. Foe most it will be a combination of techniques that will help most.

As for medication, the precautions one should take are found in other answers here and I will not repeat them. Suffice it to say that one needs to consult with your psychiatrist and psychologist for guidence. Anxiety can be well managed by working with health professionals.
It depends on the type of anxiety. You should speak with a psychiatrist to clarify what type of anxiety is being treated. Often medications used for depression, such as, Tricyclics, SSRI's, SNRI's and newer hybrid versions can be helpful anti-anxiety agents over the long term. Less sedating medications from these classes of drugs include (but are not limited to) sertraline (Zoloft), fluoxetine (Prozac) vortioxetine (Brintellix), and Viibryd (vilazodone). A very mild, anti-anxiety medication called buspirone (BuSpar) can be helpful on its own to treat very minor anxiety, and can be very helpful as an augmentation agent for other medications. Benzodiazepines like Clonazepam or lorazepam can help acute symptoms of anxiety as needed, but can cause sedation at higher than needed doses, as well as dependency, and should not be taken alongside alcohol use. This is not an exhaustive list of all the possibilities and is just a general guide, so talk with your doctor about these and other options. Anxiety can be a very painful experience and finding the right treatment can take time, but there is a very good chance that you will find the treatment that works for you by working closely and openly with a psychiatrist.
Kira Stein
Have you tried a regimen of exercise, one of the best assists for anxiety? The endorphins from your body while doing exercises will make you feel happy - that's a known fact. However, if you have the need for medication, you might ask your physician for a referral to a different psychiatrist to get a new perspective on your issues and, perhaps, a med that will work. Best of luck!
Suzi Schor
I would try going without medication and try some other strategies - Here is what I do with my clients. I use the following strategies and/or teach the following skill sets [I'm a psychotherapist and hypnotherapist]: hypnosis; teach self-hypnosis; guided imagery; teach our thoughts create our reality - change your thoughts change your life [and your anxiety]; learn to be in the moment rather than in the future - the future is where your anxiety lives; sometimes bio-feedback; Binaural Beats and Isochronic Tones [available free on YouTube - these are wonderful for anxiety; teach client to become aware of what part of body anxiety begins to build so can STOP simple anxiety from become a panic attack; use breathing strategies learned through guided imagery, hypnosis, or mindfulness, yoga, or meditation; take a yoga class; keep a gratitude Journal; there are probably half a dozen other things but I am drawing a blank right now - suffice it to say few of my clients ever go on medication - I teach them to own their Power and not allow their anxiety to own them - we give their anxiety a name and a face and . . . well, that's a whole session, but it works! Good Luck - find a therapist who works without medication!
Several selective seratonin reuptaje inhibitors (SSRIs) and seratonin/norepinephrine inhibitors (SNRIs) rarely cause sedation. Buspirone usually is not sedating. Those medications are taken daily. The only less sedating prn (as needed) anxiolytics are benzodiazepines. However, some people get tired with everything. You could also try the herb kava kava which is effective but had caused very rare liver problems.
Robert Hoffman
Medication needs adjustment for every patient. Used properly, few cause sedation.
Eitan D. Schwarz
It's pretty much a hit or miss proposition. What works for patient A might not work at all for patient B. Unfortunately many of the anti-anxiety medications are sedative in nature. But everyone's system is different. Some will experience tiredness and others don't.
Roland S. Jefferson