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Ask Dr. Molly if you have questions or want a personal session on how to best use Ask DoctorBase for maximum marketing impact.


Molly Maloof, MD

Director of Clinical Content

Help! I can't move my 4th toe!

Hello, I landed on my left foot sideways after jumping over a 3 foot fence.. Immediately I felt a pop sensation, pain followed. I was able to longboard back to my vehicle (kicking with the wounded foot) This happened about 5 days ago. The pain and swelling has reduced greatly. My concern is with my 4th toe. I can wiggle it with my fingers painlessly and it doesn't seem to have resistance. I would say I am talented with my toes but cannot move this 4th toe. It feels like it is not connected.
  • Male | 21 years old
  • Complaint duration: 5 days
  • Medications: None
  • Conditions: None

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You need an X-ray and possibly an MRI or CT scan
Probably ruptured tendon need an MRI to see if it needs to be reattached. Make an appointment for a professional opinion.
Flavio Cordano
There may be a ruptured (torn) tendon that normally flexes or extends the tendon. A fracture of the toe or a bone behind the toe (metatarsal) is another possible cause, although there typically would still be pain this recently after the injury. See a podiatrist in your area as soon as you can for proper evaluation and treatment.
Palmer Branch
You need a professional evaluation. See your local podiatrist for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment plan.
It is hard to say without an x-ray, but it sounds like something you need to have checked out. Just because you "cannot move the toe" does not mean for certain that there is a fracture. It could be a tendon or ligament injury. It could also be a fracture. When a part, such as a toe, is injured, the body often "splints" it or prevents it from moving. This is often done because of the pain that is involved in moving it. It should be a relatively quick office visit and x-ray to find out for sure. See a DPM within the next few days if you can.
Richard Eby
Sprains, strains and fractures of digits can be painful and limiting. While most may mend with minimal attention it is wise to have it evaluated. The last thing you need is a chronic problem from something that could have resolved easily. I advise you see a podiatrist and get an X-ray.
Ari Rubinstein
From what you describe, this might be a tendon, and/or a fracture condition. An X-ray is necessary, as well as a qualified physician to properly diagnose and treat this problem. I would recommend you do so as soon as possible, to avoid this condition from becoming a permanent situation.
It sounds like you have broken or torn something. Only a proper exam and x-ray can get you on the path to full recovery. You could require additional testing if the x-rays are negative for any bone injury. At a minimum, you should carefully tape the toe to the 3rd toe for stability. Do not strangulate the toe. Please make an appointment with your local podiatrist to have this checked out. Good luck!