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Food poisoning
Featured Answer
this sounds like a case of gastritis, in layman's terms "a stomach virus" or "upset stomach." I recommend getting on a BRAT diet which is a bland diet which consist of Bread, Rice, Applesauce, Toast/ crackers. All are easy to digest and easy on the stomach. you want to stay away from spicy foods, dairy products, and high acidic foods like carbonated beverages or orange juice until your symptoms have resolved. If vomiting persists, become bloody, have bloody stools or you feel you are becoming dehydrated, please seek medical attention.
Your description ties in with mild possible bacterial food poisoning. Since the toxin is preformed, it's onset can be as early as 2-6 hours, which is why you can easily link the symptoms to your last meal or drink. Be sure to report the source of the chicken to your health department. More episodes like yours reported by other patients could form the basis for the recall of chicken products from a particular company. Allow the mild diarrhea that commonly occurs with food poisoning to flush out the toxins. Do not take antidiarrheal medications. The symptoms should clear within 24 hours. Beyond that you may need to see a provider.
stay on liquid diet for 24 hour ,you will be fine
This is most likely food poisoning.
Mostly caused by virus and bacteria.
Most are mild and resolve on their own.
Mostly caused by virus and bacteria.
Most are mild and resolve on their own.