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Molly Maloof, MD

Director of Clinical Content

Lump on neck

I have lump on the back of my neck. It's just a little left of my spinal connect to my head. It's a little bit below my hair line. My primary doctor says it's not lymph nobes and we tests for lymphoma on a blood test from arm. Came back negative. If it's not the lymph nobes what could it be? Could it be a tumor or cancer? It causes neck pain sometimes.
  • Complaint duration: 30 days
  • Medications: No
  • Conditions: No

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Thank you for the picture--I am glad your doctor ordered some lab tests. It is reassuring that they were normal. It looks like this lump in your neck may be larger than 1 cm in diameter. If it is painful and been present for a while, I would recommend an evaluation by an Ear, Nose, Throat specialist. They may want to biopsy this lesion if it has been present for several or more weeks and usually will biopsy if the mass is larger than 1 cm.

Has your doctor put you on any medication for it?

It still could possible be a lymph node--node at the back of the neck drain infection from the head and scalp--make sure you don't have any skin infections on your head/in your hair. If there was an infection, you would feel more than one swollen lymph node in the area of the back of the neck.
Assuming it's a lump that doesn't hurt when you touch it (non-tender), it should definitely get further evaluation than just a blood test. A lump like what you're describing could be as benign as a lipoma (a pocke of fat) to as serious as relating to a cancer as you mentioned. Most likely, your provider has not completed his or her evaluation. My guess is that they will request an ultrasound or CT scan of your neck and possibly of the head and then follow that with a biopsy of the lump if further answers are needed.

--Dr. Sarge

(877) 254-4496
probably it is a sebaceous cyst, is it getting bigger ? does it move with the skin, is it hard?,the physician should have told you a diagnosis, ,if it is tender it has to be removed
Ousama Ghaibeh
If your PCP can do a biopsy of the lump itself for lab test, that will help with ascertaining whether it is cancerous or not. If he/she is unable to perform a needle or puch biopsy in an outpatient clinic, then you need to ask for a surgical consult.
Blood examination is usually more helpful for leukemia. I would not feel comfortable excluding lymphoma with a blood test. If worried about a lump or mass then ultrasound is a great initial step if this lump has been present more than 3 weeks.

The area on your picture is a common location of the occipital lymph node. Swelling of this node is most often related to infection or inflammation of the scalp. I agree that further investigation is indicated.
W. Chad Spanos
Ask for an ultrasound of the lump, it will tell if it is lipoma or tumor or lymphnode
natalya aleykina
You need a thorough examination by an ENT doctor. It may be a cyst but it could be something more significant. Your ENT doctor will decide if you need imaging studies or a needle biopsy.
John Austin
This needs to be checked with a simple needle biopsy. Unless you have cancer history personally, it's pretty doubtful that it would be cancer, but of course anything is possible.

Dr. Corba is right on. You should go to an ENT or a General Surgeon and get it biopsied. It's a painless procedure. Then once they look at the cells under a microscope, there will be no doubt as to what it is exactly, and you can stop worrying.
William Goodwin