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Ask Dr. Molly if you have questions or want a personal session on how to best use Ask DoctorBase for maximum marketing impact.


Molly Maloof, MD

Director of Clinical Content

unwanted meat in body

so it's started when i in middle school (6/7 years ago). first it's just like harden skin and i like to scratching it, after few months it start to grow. after it grow big enough(around 5mm) i decided to cut it, by tie it till it darken then cut it using a knife

after a year it start to grow again and it bigger and uglier

i don't know what disease is this, but I hardly feel anything from this unwanted meat

it's located in my thigh

please help me, i want to remove this thing

Thank you
  • Male | 21 years old
  • Complaint duration: 90 days
  • Medications: i just tried to cut it once

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could be wart,you have to talk to your PCp so that can remove it or send you to a dermatologist to remove it
Malabika Dey
this could represent any of a variety of lesions, but a giant and very irritated benign process is likely . A Dermatologist can easily remove this pedunculated lesion under local anesthesia. I would not advise trying to cut it off yourself.
Alan Semion
first thank you for your respond

but this is not a mole like Mr. Otumdi said

it have same color with skin, hard for me to take good pic because of it location

if you see form side maybe it looks like a broccoli stuck on my thigh

I take this more seriously and I will consult to doctor

but may I ask your opinion? is it okay if I keep it for one or two years more? cause I don't want to make my parent panic or anything else, I want to work first so i can pay by my self

Thanks again, God bless
I see a black mole in your picture. First time around this is precancerous. But now that it has recurred after you self-excised it, you must quickly rule out active skin cancer. Make an appointment to see a dermatologist immediately. Wish you a good outcome.
the picture is not very clear, so uable to discern details,

I advise you to see a dermatologist, he would be able to do resection under local anesthesia

and I beleive that would be radical, but you would end up with a scar,

God bless
Bassam Yassine
I hate to say this, but I believe you have to have some help to prevent permanent scarring. For now use silicone scar sheets available at most pharmacies. You can go to Google instructions to use it correct . Be prepared to answer questions about some family history and other symptoms you have had. You will eventually need to see a Rheumatologist... Godspeed
Elizabeth Byrd McNeill, NC