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4 Reasons Why Ask DoctorBase is the Most Efficient Way to SEO and Establish Your Brand Online

  1. Ask DoctorBase is a free service for patients on the DoctorBase platform - currently servicing over 6 million American patients of record.
  2. All answers submitted by healthcare professionals (you) are for entertainment purposes only and do not constitute doctor-patient relationships. All patients must agree to this before using Ask DoctorBase.
  3. Our software and our Marketing Engineering staff review each answer and optimize your answers for keywords valuable to your specialty. It is a well kept secret that doctors (you) - not SEO consultants - are the ones who have the most valuable content prized by search engines. Ask DoctorBase "unlocks and optimizes" your content in the most efficient manner possible with today's technology.
  4. Finally, the doctor who provides the most popular answer - "the Featured Answer," gets an added benefit by allowing patients to write rave reviews about your expertise - reviews that are submitted to both Google and Google Local through our Preferred Data Provider relationship.

Ask Dr. Molly if you have questions or want a personal session on how to best use Ask DoctorBase for maximum marketing impact.


Molly Maloof, MD

Director of Clinical Content

Tip of penis tingle

I have had sinus upper respiratory infection for three days now. Today I started experiencing a tingling sensation in urethra at tip of penis. I have been urinating more than usual the past couple days and have no pain when I urinate. Starts tingling after urination until I go again. I am not having any discharge or anything from penis. Just uncomfortable.
  • Male | 45 years old
  • Complaint duration: 1 day
  • Ethnicity: Caucasian / White
  • Height: 72
  • Weight: 225lbs
  • Medications: None
  • Conditions: No

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Featured Answer

1 UpVoted this answer
This sounds more like viral infection, and one candidate that has been linked with upper respiratory tract infection and urethritis is adenovirus. But the good news is that the symptoms should clear in about 7 days. Where that fails to happen you need to see your pcp or urologist. for full workup.
1 UpVoted this answer
This is likely related to your respiratory infection. Should get better on its own. If not, see your doctor.
1 UpVoted this answer
Urgent care or primary doc to check urinalysis and an exam.
Jeffrey R. Thill
Believe it or not there are number of urethritis is that are caused by viruses with a one-day history and not remarkably intense symptoms it's doubtful could be bacterial but If it doesn't clear up then you should go have a checked check by your doctor
Raymond Rowell
Adenoviral urethritis. Should get better on its own. If not, I would see your doctor to make sure you don't have a sexually transmitted disease or urinary tract infection.

Best of luck!
Be sure you are drinking plenty of water. Also drink 4 oz of unsweetened cranberry juice mixed with grape juice or water 4 times daily. Be sure you are taking a probiotic like acidophpilus, which can help with infections and your immune system. If you develop low back pain see your doctor.
It sounds like you have a urinary tract infection or a case of non-infectious urethritis. (inflammation of the urethra)

STD's can also give these symptoms. You need an exam and a urine check to determine the cause and treatment. Best of luck!
John S. Ferris