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Molly Maloof, MD

Director of Clinical Content

Line accross toe

I have these white callus type lines accross my big toe knuckles. Have for years and they never go away. What are they?
  • Female | 27 years old
  • Complaint duration: 90 days
  • Medications: None

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Dry skin spots and areas of inflammation. Mostly from shoes.
from the look of it.... these trauama marks, basically these are calluses built up from pressure. more than likely your shoes are the cause. sorry to let you know. if still concerned or pain increasing consult local certified podiatrist in your area
Alex Kheynson
Your calluses are caused secondary to friction against your shoe at the joint. Debridement of the tissue by a podiatrist followed by topical creams such as 40% urea would help. You should also consider changing your shoe and make sure it is the correct size. If you wear a bigger size shoe your foot might be sliding and causing irritation at the toe. Likewise if it is a smaller size shoe, you could be hitting at the toe and causing the friction.
Kelvin A. Barry
Debridement of the lesions followed by application of a topical prescription steroid cream and avoidance of shoe pressure would be advised. See your local podiatrist to initiate accurate diagnosis and treatment.
Typically irritated tissue from sandal straps. One of my patients grew out fungus colony was cultured. Dr Rich Blake
Richard Blake
You are hitting the toe box of your shoe. consider increasing the space of your toebox in your shoes as well checking in with your doctor for further options.
It looks like a dry skin occurs when wearing the shoes and callous skin is caused by rubbing against the shoe. You can apply topical moisturizing lotion with exfoliating agent.Also prevent shoes rubbing against the toes. If it not getting better see the podiatrist.
Anthony Spitz
From the photo it looks like the right big toe may be in a flexed position where the joint within the toe is. This brings

the skin in contact with the toe box of your shoe. This will create friction or may result in a contact allergic response in the skin. A good test would be to see what happens in the summer or on vacation to while wearing sandals only for an extended length of time. If the condition persists see a dermatologist or podiatrist
Irwin D. Cohen
This is more than likely a friction related issue. Try some deeper toe boxed shoes so that the toes don't rub inside your shoes at that knuckle. If that helps then there is nothing else that needs to be done. Try to soften the skin as well with some OTC lotions or creams so that it protects the skin. A well hydrated skin surface is more resistant to rubbing. If nothing helps then you might want to consider seeing someone for a biopsy that can lend a more exact cause of the skin thickening because of a skin condition. Usually this condition is common in runners or active people again due to rubbing inside your shoes.
Flavio Cordano
The white "callus" type lines are consistent with hyperextension and friction against the joints of the big toes. Main thing to do is the moisturize these areas to ensure that they skin is not too rough. I would also consider getting deeper toe box shoes to lessen the friction against the toes. If it persists, be sure to see your local podiatrist.