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Molly Maloof, MD

Director of Clinical Content

Painful cyst

How to remove a painful cyst looking thing on the bottom of my foot?
  • Male | 18 years old
  • Complaint duration: 60 days

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Anytime there is a cyst, growth, soft tissue mass, or unusual skin lesion, it is better to have it evaluated by a doctor who specializes in that area of the body to be sure of the nature as well as the proper treatment. In this case, the cyst you refer to is on your foot, so see a podiatrist. Doing "bathroom surgery" on your own could result in a serious infection that could make you need an expensive trip to the emergency room or need more major surgery. Not all cysts require surgery, so the best advice is to get an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment.
Palmer Branch
You should send a photo. Consider online photo share with tinypics. Dr Rich Blake
Richard Blake
Just don't touch it. See someone instead. Call you local podiatrist or dermatologist. If you attempt to cut anything your self you will cause scar tissue and that is permanent. The condition although unknown may be resolved with a simple treatment.
Flavio Cordano
It is not possible to answer this question with limited information provided
Jerald Askin
You're probably talking about something within the skin and not a lesion deeper to the layers of the skin. Even the sometimes painful benign "seed corns" in the skin should be evaluated and treated by a podiatrist. There are just too many unknowns to offer a self help tip. Once it gets diagnosed, there may be some treatments you can do at home. And of course anything deeper to the skin should certainly be evaluated by a medical professional.
Jacob Goldstein
Unfortunately, without a photograph of the area in question it is difficult to give you even any suggestions as to what it may be. I suggest that you make an appointment with a DPM to have it evaluated and determine if it is even something that needs to be removed or drained.
Jason Miller
Very unlikely a cyst on the bottom of the foot. Usually a solid lesion. In any event difficult/ impossible to diagnose without seeing and feeling "cyst". Seek professional care!
Daniel Bank
I would recommend you have it looked at by a podiatrist. This is not something you want to do on your own.
Neil Zwiebel
While most lesion on the foot are benign, there are some rare carcinomas that can appear in the foot. You require a biopsy and pathology. I strongly urge you NOT to treat this at home.
Removing a mass of any kind constitutes a surgical procedure that needs to be done under sterile conditions to prevent infections. In the office I would do an aspiration biopsy first to make sure that it is indeed a cyst, sometimes it turns out to be a fibroma. I would get it checked out because any mass could have the potential for malignant transformation and turn into a cancerous lesion. Good luck!
Enrique Rosario