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Molly Maloof, MD

Director of Clinical Content

My teeth feel loose.. but I don't believe they are.

So for the past week or so, my teeth have been feeling kind of achey and (to me) kind of loose. And I am absolutely paranoid and freaked out if they're going to fall out. I've even been having dreams about it. I've asked other people to wiggle them (I know that's weird but I'm paranoid) and they said they can't feel anything moving. Am I going insane?? Can things like this happen because of anxiety or stress?
  • 18 years old
  • Complaint duration: 9 days
  • Ethnicity: Caucasian / White
  • Medications: None

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6 UpVoted this answer
You must see a dentist near you, so that they can check your teeth for any looseness. This will give you peace of mind!

It is very odd for 18 year old to have loose teeth, but due to your stress, you might be imagining somethings that is not reality! The best thing for you, is to have an examination done, rather than asking dentists on line, in which we can not feel or see what really is happening. I would not be stressed over this, but in order to be sure, it is a must to do a check up with a good dentist.
6 UpVoted this answer
Stress can cause people to grind their teeth. Clinching your jaw tightly may cause the teeth to loosen slightly and feel like they ache. Usually these symptoms are only temporary. If the pain persist, talk to your Dentist.
5 UpVoted this answer
Anxiety and stress can cause one to clench or grind their teeth at night or even during the day.

This can cause sensitivity and pain due to the forces of grinding.

This could also be caused by gum inflammation or disease.

It would be wise to visit your dentist and get a comprehensive check up and get this matter resolved ASAP.
5 UpVoted this answer
Anxiety and stress can cause clenching or grinding which, in turn, can damage the supporting tissues (gum and bone) and can cause joint dysfunction. See your Dentist to determine if you are, in fact, doing damage. If so a night guard may be in order until the cause of the clenching/grinding can be determined. Note also that chronic gum disease, medications, and some systemic problems can lead to tooth mobility. Again, see your Dentist.
Arnold J. Malerman
3 UpVoted this answer
Dear patent,

Anxiety and stress can make change our perception to a lot of things.

It is great to hear that when other people check your teeth they do not find them to be loose.

Still, in order to know the truth you should be evaluated by a dentist that can find if you have any bone loss around your teeth than can be a real reason for tooth mobility. Good luck .
2 UpVoted this answer
If you are clinching or grinding at night due to stress, it can have an effect on the underlining bone holding the tooth in the socket. Have you had braces? Do you wear a retainer at night? Slight tooth movement is common with everyone. Especially for someone whom might be stressed a night guard would be a good idea. You should visit an oral health care professional and have an exam to see what the real issue is.
2 UpVoted this answer
Yes. You could be grinding your teeth at night or even the day and not be aware of it. This can make your teeth feel weird, loose sensitive to sweets, hot and cold. Dreaming about grinding your teeth while your grinding your teeth is a common complain I have heard I my office. My suggestion is to go talk to a dentist let the dentist test the looseness of your teeth and get a proper diagnosis. Beyond that there aren't a lot things it could be. You'll be fine.
2 UpVoted this answer
I would be surprised if you truly have loose teeth. Especially if other people cannot detect any mobility. I would certainly recommend that you check with your dentist to be certain. Loose teeth will not occur because of anxiety or stress directly but you could be grinding. I would recommend that you see your dentist.
Timothy Agapas
2 UpVoted this answer Idelle Brand, DDS Dentist, New York City
It would be very surprising for an 18yo to have advanced gum disease that would result in actual mobility. All teeth have a small amount of mobility, which is normal. Having thoughts of teeth being loose (or falling out) is typically a sign of something in your life feeling out of control (that's what the dream interpretation books say, anyway). I would see a dentist just to be sure, but what you're experiencing sounds very normal and will likely pass.
Justin Dugas
1 UpVoted this answer
If you feel that your teeth are mobile I would go to a periodontist ASAP!!