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Molly Maloof, MD

Director of Clinical Content

Birth control

I have been on the birth control pill Previfem after being switched back and forth from orthocyclen for about a yr(I just got switched back to previfem in January). I usually start my period a few days before the placebo pill,however this month I haven't started it and I am 2 days into the placebo. Is this normal?
  • 23 years old
  • Complaint duration: 3 days
  • Medications: Previfem

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If you don't have a period

by the end of the placebo

pills it would be best to

do a pregnancy test and

notify your physician.
Sometimes it takes a few months. My concern is why you need the birth control--is it for preventing pregnancy or is it for some type of symptom like heavy bleeding, cramps, headaches, irritability or something else? I find that the longer women are on birth control, the more symptoms they get, like weight gain and depression. I would ask your doctor about the copper IUD as it does not mess with your hormones or have side effects in the whole body. It takes me months and months to help a woman recover from the birth control pill. I really recommend anything else!
Oral contraceptive pills cause atrophy of the uterine lining and may cause the periods to become extremely light or non-existent, which is really a benefit of the pill. Most patients don't get their bleeding until the third or fourth day of the placebo pills. If you don't get your period during the placebo pills , you can do a pregnancy test before starting your next pack. This is a common occurrence with today's low dose contraceptive pills .
Kyle A Baker
Previfem is a branded generic drug that has bioequivalence to the branded non-generic drug called OrthoCyclen. Essentially that means the compounds in both products are the same and both products should be contraceptive. By the way I am a huge fan of generic medications, however having said that it should be noted that the FDA does allow some wiggle room between the two products and for that matter between different batches of the branded non-generic. My point is that by switching back and forth between the two products you may have a slightly different experience in bleeding that would not affect the contraceptive efficacy of the pill. Some women will end a pack of birth control pills and not get a period at all, and still not be pregnant. I would wait until the last placebo pill to see if you get your period. If you do not get a period I would buy a urine pregnancy test and follow the directions on the package before starting your next pack.
It could be. In about another week ,if still no period then consider a pregnancy test.
Victor Shabanah
This is very common - can be caused by many variables, diet, exercise, travel, flu, stress, etc. so continue the pill but take a home pregnancy test JUST in case
Yes, whenever you change pills there can be small differences in the cycles. If you haven't mised a pill you should be fine. If you are concerned about pregnancy please take a pregnancy test.
The length of a normal menstrual cycle ranges from 21 to 35 days. You are still in the frame.