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Molly Maloof, MD

Director of Clinical Content

bad breath and night sweating

dear doc,

i have very bad breath , its coming from abdominal area, my teeth are fine. i do burp a lot, at night i feel mild to medium stmachache and i feel that undigested food still there. what is strange lately is that i sweat awfully during sleep now a days and often wakes up in soaking wet duvet, pillow and my night wear. please help

  • 40 years old
  • Complaint duration: 90 days
  • Medications: omaprezole

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Featured Answer

2 UpVoted this answer Arlene Messer, DDS Dentist, Rochester Hani Jabbour, DMD Dentist, Walnut Creek
You should see your PCP ASAP. You may have GERD Gastroesophageal reflux disease. It is often worse at night. The constant up welling of partially digested food and the intermittent opening to the stomach contents can give you bad breath. You may also consider this question, do you snore or have you been diagnosed with Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA). The night sweats, GERD and and sleep interuption are all symptoms of the sleeping disorder OSA. Please see you PCP. GERD and OSA are very dangerous to your overall health.
1 UpVoted this answer
The way you are describing the symptoms it sound like there are some issues that need more detailed exploration for the specific answer. In fact most of the times when we expect bad breath to be because of teeth or gums it is more of other origin. Like in your case there might be a stomach issue that make you feel that way. The best management of the situation is to get your family physician to get complete work up done and get all the blood and other tests done.
1 UpVoted this answer Leah M. Hickson, DDS, PC Dentist, Eugene
There is no doubt your symptoms require a visit to a physician. There are many medical problems that can cause your symptoms. You say your teeth are fine. Has a dentist confirmed that? Also your complaints are listed as possible reactions to overdose of omaprezole. Again, check with your physician.
This may not be a dental issue... However, you should see your dentist for routine exam and cleaning. You also need to see your primary medical doctor
Brian Stoute
Many good recommendations have been made by other dentists on DoctorBase. My recommendation is that the following components of your workup are ESSENTIAL: A test for HIV (preferably by your medical doctor) and a 6-points per tooth periodontal pocket charting with an 18-film full mouth xray (FMX) series (by your dentist, new or no older than 36 months old FMX, all 18 films AND not just a panoramic xray.) Both may be HIV related. Keep in mind that your symptoms may not be related to each other. You might have individual problems occuring or a combination of some of, but not all of your symptoms.
You should see your primary care right away. Acid reflux comes to mind, which can also cause gum line decay, bad breath, etc. If no answers there, then see a GI Specialist.
sounds like you need to talk to your main doctor. could be many things including GERD, OSA, or both. or others! these are issues beyond dentistry and we would work concurrently with your PCP to assure that your teeth and oral health does not suffer as a result of these unfortunate medical problems.
you should try to see your family physician to look into ruling out acid reflux, indigestion, sleep apnea and review history of medications that you take that can possibly contribute to the symptoms. It is always a good idea as well to keep up with your routine dental recalls to keep oral and periodontal health under check.
These chronic indigestion symptoms can actually be caused by long term use of omeprazole (or a hiatal hernia). I would wean you off of the omeprazole and test you for LOW levels of stomach acid instead. These are serious complaints and this process needs to be monitored carefully by a physician (such as a Naturopathic Doctor) who is experienced in this area. You should also have your hormone levels tested (adrenals and sex hormones) to see if they are related to the night sweats. In addition an HIV test is a good idea. Please do not let these symptoms go without competent assessment.

Good Luck!

Dr Sally
Sally B. Boyd
It definitely sounds like you are having some issues with your digestive system and should see a GI specialist. You could be getting acid reflux which can do significant damage to your esophagus and mouth/including teeth. After you get a diagnosis and treatment by the Gastroenterologist, you should see your dentist and make him/her aware of your condition so they can evaluate how it may have affected your mouth.