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Molly Maloof, MD

Director of Clinical Content

chronic fatigue

For over a year i have had extreme chronic fatigue even tho i sleep ten hours a night i can barely get out of bed. I have also put on weight and have headaches. I had a sleep study done rulled out sleep problems except for RLS . My dr checked thyroid said fine but i have heard different tests for it, She dont liston to me. I want hormones checked. had menapause at 41 yrs. old. im 51 now.. She says nop that wont cause fatigue. Im wondering if its chronic fatigue system.
  • Female | 51 years old
  • Complaint duration: 90 days
  • Medications: serequel, cybalta, resperdol, cimvistatin, adderal
  • Conditions: high cholesterol, bipolar, anxiety, major depression

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You may want to consider a comprehensive anti-aging testing from a qualified Naturopathic Physician or Doctor of Integrative Medicine who are able to order testings via evidence based labs such as Labcorp or Quest... We use Comprehensive Wellness assessments that go above and beyond basic thyroid and chemistry tests...

One such test incorporates analysis of the 10 most important things in regards to the functionality and balance.

These are some of the things that are tested:

1. Progesterone balances and offsets the powerful effects of estrogen. An imbalance between progesterone and estrogen can cause weight gain, insomnia, anxiety, depression, fatigue, migraines, and even more debilitating conditions such as cancer, uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, and osteoporosis in women. In men, the imbalance can cause weight gain, loss of libido and prostate enlargement.

2. Estradiol, also known as E2, is the most active of the estrogens. For women, it is important to look at the relationship between estradiol and progesterone in evaluating menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes, mood disorders, and aging skin. It is also used for monitoring pregnancy.

In both men and women, low levels of estradiol can be associated with osteoporosis.

3. DHEA- Decresed DHEA can be associated with loss of energy and can contribute to chronic fatigue

C-Reactive Protein, Cardiac (CRP,hs): Ferritin; Hemoglobin A1c (HgbA1c); Fibrinogen: Vitamin D(probably one of the most important tests in regards to optimal health, including energy and strength)... In addition we test for:

Lipids (cholesterol, HDL, LDL, the risk ratio, triglycerides)

Complete Blood Count (CBC's)

Fluids and Electrolytes

Thyroid w/TSH (High levels of Reverse T3 are common in CFS patients)



Glucose (Diabetes)

Mineral and Bone

All of these play a major role in optimal body functions. An Imbalace in one can lead to imbalance and interruption of the bio-rythm of the entire system, thus leading to rapid aging which would include an increase in chronic fatigue, weight gain, poor BMR & metabolism

As to the Nervous System: It has been speculated that the underlying cause of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome may be impairment or exhaustion of the Adrenal Glands (Adrenal Insufficiency) - the Adrenal Glands of CFS patients are, on average, only 50% of the size of normal, healthy persons. Excessive Stress is speculated to be an underlying cause of CFS.

CFS patients are often found to have elevated Homocysteine levels

Some researchers have noted that damage caused by Free Radicals is a common thread in CFS. It has been proposed that in CFS patients, excessive generation of Free Radicals damages the Mitochondria and Cell Membranes of Cells throughout the body.

Heavy metal testing may also be required as heavy metals is associated with chronic fatigue. In fact heavy metals will interrupt the optimal functions of all the above aspects of the human biological system and chemistry..

Viral and Parasite infections can also play a role...

One of the underlying causes of CFS may be impairment in the production of Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) by the Mitochondria of Cells. Also Many CFS patients are found to be deficient in Folic Acid and all of the B-Complexes.

Other Considerations:

Immune System: Suppression of the Immune System has been proposed an underlying theory of CFS.

CFS patients often have a low Helper T-Cells:Suppressor T-Cells ratio.

CFS patients often exhibit sub-optimal levels of NK Lymphocytes or sub-optimal levels of NK Lymphocytes activity. Elevated Thrombin levels may be implicated in CFS: Elevated Thrombin levels increase the viscosity of the Blood. The thicker the Blood, the harder the Heart has to pump to maintain the Blood's flow throughout the body. This overworking of the Heart lead to Fatigue.

Increased Thrombin levels in CFS patients may be caused by an event associated with the Immune System (e.g. bacterial, viral infection or toxic chemical exposure) that triggers a hypercoagulable state.

Overactivity of TH2 Helper T-Cells (known as TH2 Helper T-Cells Dominance) is one of the features of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

These are some things to consider, all of which can be addressed via a comprehensive wellness assessment..

Hope this information helps you...
A lot of doctors still tend to ignore Chronic Fatigue as an actual diagnosis. I know how frustrating it can be having gone through it when I was in high school and only 17 years old.

It is an auto immune disorder and can be addressed without drugs.

I would recommend a naturalpathic approach and would even refer you to a healer I use frequently. He works over the phone and is very affordable.
Sharyn Abbott
Historically, many people have found relief with Nature's Harvest, Magnesium Complex, and Liquid B12 Plus from or .com

They are inexpensive and usually fast acting.

Helping Herbs and Wellness 419728
Heavy metal toxicities are strongly associated with RLS. Chronic heavy metal toxicity can also contribute to headaches, chronic fatigue, metabolic disorders, and many others.

The medical community has a bit of cognitive dissonance with respect to heavy metal toxicity because there isn't a consensus on the testing methods used. But now more than ever, chronic toxic exposures are a problem.
You may benefit from getting a second or third opinion. You are taking a lot medications, which may be causing the fatigue and the weight gain or it could be do to other reasons, without seeing you in person and having a thorough medical and behavioral history I can not give an opinion other than it is very important for you to find a M.D. who will take good care of you and refer you to a therapist, nutritionist, acupuncturist, whatever you may need to feel better. Best of luck.
In my experience people who are medicated for psychiatric reasons always have underlying hormonal imbalance. So, your meds may be causing some of your symptoms, but if your hormones were correctly balanced, you might not have the need for the meds. You need a doctor who can consider the whole picture. To check your own thyroid you need a basal thermometer and see the directions here. There is more and more evidence that standard lab tests do not always detect an under-active thyroid and, based on your symptoms, you also have adrenal fatigue and B vitamin deficiencies that would only be corrected with whole food B vitamins, not the commercial synthetics. You might be able to find liver tablets at a local health food store for the natural B vitamins.
I see you are taking two medications from the atypical antipsychotic class (Seroquel and respiradol). You are also taking an amphetamine based mediation (adderall). It is not readily apparent why an amphetamine derivative is needed. Is it to treat the daytime somnolence.? Do you have ADD. It seems unusual since amphetamine agents can worsen anxiety and manic depression (bipolar disorder).

With the antipsychotics, fatigue and weight gain are common side effects. Fatigue is also common with depression. You may want to discuss these side effects with your psychiatrist. Perhaps they can adjust your medication to minimize the undesirable side effects. If these medications are being managed by your primary care physician, a psychiatrist consult may be quite helpful in simplifying the medication regimen and minimizing medication side effects. Do not abruptly stop taking your medications. Discuss these issues with your doctor.

Certainly, checking the hormones is not a bad idea but the most obvious potential cause, based on the information you have provided, is the medication side effects and psychiatric symptoms.
menopause may very well be the problem. Thyroid test are open to interpretation. Also, the medications you are taking could be a problem depending on the timing of your fatigue starting and when you started the medication. Sounds like you may be a candidate for bioidentical hormone therapy.
You can check your own thyroid with a basal thermometer. Click here for instructions. You are on too many medications. Please find a Holistic Doctor/Naturopath who can help you get your body and hormones in balance. Then you can wean off some of your medication under medical supervision. The combined effect of your meds may be causing your fatigue. And getting your thyroid and adrenals at optimal function should help considerably. Blood tests are not adequate to ensure correct thyroid function.
Diagnosing Chronic Fatigue Syndrome can be very frustrating and taking a long time until proper diagnosis is established. You are taking a lot of medications, which themselves can cause lots of drug interactions. At this point I would check all your endocrine gland functions to rule out hormonal imbalance.