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Molly Maloof, MD

Director of Clinical Content

Bacterial Vaginosis

Can it be cured whit home remedies or probiotics? If so which one? Or is a doctor visit necessary?
  • 33 years old
  • Medications: None
  • Conditions: Yes

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After effective treatment you may want to use RepHreshPro which will help prevent recurrences.
A naturopathic approach will take care of the problem. You do however need to be seen by a Traditional Naturopath to be evaluated to see where your imbalances are.Probiotics will help with the problem, but not totally solve it. Good Luck...
It sounds like you got some good advice from the other doctors.
Bacterial vaginosis is a reflection of imbalance between healthy and unhealthy vaginal flora. A few tips would be to take a refrigerated probiotic twice a day for 3 to 4 months. Also remove (or at least drastically lessen) the intake of dairy, wheat, refined sugar and flour, caffeine, alcohol, sugary drinks (i.e,. Vitamin Water, Gatorade, fruit juice), red meat, processed foods. These foods and beverages are fuel for the unhealthy bacteria to feed off of and increase the imbalance. Once the BV has consistently resolved, these foods can be re-introduced in limited quantity. Working with a good family physician would be helpful in gaining a better understanding of what to do.
On an energetic level, vaginitis may be caused by anger at a mate, sexual guilt, and therefore your body is punishing itself. An affirmation to create a new belief system for your subconscious is: Others mirror the love and self approval I have for myself; I rejoice in my sexuality. Physically, you're going to have to make some dietary changes. The best probiotic would be RenewLife's Ultimate Flora Vaginal Support and then for topical relief, Vitanica Bacterial Arrest Suppository. Use those daily. You will need to stop eating dairy, meat and pastries, etc. You will have to go on an alkaline diet, preferably raw, or consume green juices and soups until your body's pH is balanced again. Don't take antibiotics. Drink ozonated water or get ozone enemas. The easiest way is to use food grade hydrogen peroxide, but if you can afford it buy an ozone machine to oxygenate your blood and kill the bad bacteria.

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"Probiotics", applied correctly can be

an effective treatment. Assuming the absence of serious symptoms, that is, you just have a discharge of larger volume than normal that has a fishy odor, and you have not had a recent new sexual contact, it is worth a try to purchase "Probiotic" or "Lactobacillus", or "Acidophillus" milk in the dairy section of your supermarket. Let it warm up

and do a low pressure douche with it, twice a day for seven days. The "Probiotic" products at the health food store, are often ineffective and expensive so stick with dairy products. If you can't find the milk use unflavored yogurt and dilute with warm milk or water. See you doc if it persists. Using the above can also prevent yeast infections after a course of antibiotics.
Yes, you need to see a gynecologist .
Don Ha
When you talk about a "cure" with home remedies, you are using a term that is coined by medical doctors.

I have had good results using natural remedies, but not simply with probiotics. It is a bit more complicated than that. You also need to look at the cause to keep it frim coming back.