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Molly Maloof, MD

Director of Clinical Content

An urgent pregnancy question regarding alcohol

Hello, I'm about 5 1/2 weeks along and I obviously haven't been drinking but i went to a wedding this past Saturday, September 20th, and I was told that it would not hurt to drink a couple of glasses of red wine. I did drink about 2 1/2 glasses and now I'm incredibly concerned that I damaged the growing fetus in some way or another and I can't stop thinking about it. Do you think I should be concerned?
  • Female | 33 years old
  • Complaint duration: 2 days
  • Medications: none
  • Conditions: none

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As long as you avoid alcoholic beverages for the rest of pregnancy, it's reasonable to anticipate a good outcome.
The official recommendation is total abstinence from alcohol for women planning pregnancy, at conception, and during pregnancy because a safe level of prenatal alcohol consumption has not been determined. Nevertheless, most cases of problems such as Fetal Alcohol Syndrome are usually seen in women who have chronically consumed alcohol during pregnancy. If you only had 2 to 2 & a half glasses of red wine once, I seriously doubt you need to be concerned...Just don't drink anymore during your pregnancy.
Jorge A. Sabin
Drinking only once is probablyOK

JUST DON'T do it again ,
Don Ha
There is no "safe" amount of alcohol use in pregnancy. With that being said, however, I highly doubt you have done anything to endanger your pregnancy.
Charles B. Palmer
While there are no randomized prospective studies on alcohol consumption in early pregnancy, the available data suggest that most fetal alcohol syndrome babies are born to women who consume alcohol in great excess. If you truly only had two and a half glasses of wine my gut feeling is your baby will be normal.
Nearly all experts recommend complete abstinence from alcohol. No one is going to be able to truly tell you a safe dose due to differences in ability to metabolize alcohol. Within two hours of drinking, the babies blood alcohol level is the same as the moms and the baby depends on mom to break down the alcohol.

Just don't drink any more and all should be well.
Carlos I. Gabriel
No, you should not be concerned in the least. As you might imagine, social drinkers routinely drink during early pregnancy before diagnosis. There is absolutely no evidence that this causes harm, as long as you stop drinking

now that you know.
I agree with the previous answer. In all likelihood no damage has been done. However, the recommendation is not to consume any alcohol during pregnancy and we do not know enough about what is the amount that leads to permanent developmental injury after birth.
Eric S. Colton
Some do advocate that one or two glasses of wine do not affect the fetus. Additionally many people don't even realize they're pregnant at this point and don't watch their alcohol intake - and most still have perfectly healthy babies. I wouldn't stress about your situation.
Sumeet K. Goel
We don't know how much alcohol serves as a threshold to precipitate fetal alcohol syndrome. It is doubtful that the amount of alcohol you consumed in 2 1/2 glasses of red wine would precipitate the syndrome. The problem becomes that this serves as a spring board to more consumption of alcohol. In essence, don't worry about the 2 glasses of red wine, but be very careful about the continued consumption of alcohol.
Cleve Waters