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Molly Maloof, MD

Director of Clinical Content


I have been feeling very sluggish and very tired , downright fatigued! Almost falling asleep at work, i do get a lot of hours of sleep but cant get any energy
  • Medications: None

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For fatigue and low energy, try acupuncture by a well-trained acupuncturist, and you should have benefits in most cases. Acupuncture has many healthy affects on your body's energy production system, resistance and immune function, pain management, and healing mechanism. Acupuncture, if done often enough, may help your metabolism to increase energy to lose weight if that is a problem. Speak to a licensed acupuncturist about your fatigue and low energy to decide the proper frequency and dosage of acupuncture necessary. Give it 5-10 treatments at least twice per week to start seeing a positive change, then you will likely require less frequent ongoing treatments to manage your condition and prevent tiredness. If the desired relates are not attained, you may want to check your thyroid function. Find a well-trained licensed acupuncturist (known as an acupuncture physician in Florida) which can order your blood tests.
Let's talk about quality of sleep. Is there anyone who can talk about your sleep, restless, snoring, etc.? If not, I suggest you get a Fitbit. It will connect via Bluetooth to your Smart Phone. While it doesn't measure actual sleep quality, it does detect restlessness and waking. You can look at the graph the next day, and see how well it shows you slept. Once you know how "still" you sleep, (I'm guessing you are not still), you can take action to improve the quality of your sleep doing such things as walking, swimming, or other aerobic activity to stretch out and work out muscles. If this doesn't work, try locating a Psychologist who does qEEG, (brain maps) to see what is going on in your brain. A brain "tune-up" might just be the thing to improve sleep.
Grant T. Bright
According to TCM theory you probably have what is called dampness. This kind of "dampness" doesn't really have much to do with moisture. It's more like dampen a radio signal. Dampness will come up when what is basically your digestive system is inefficient. So a rather significant portion of your food (even if it is the best the world has to offer) is getting turned basically into goo. That goo then blocks any energy that you do have from getting to where it needs to be and you feel tired. The cause of this is often over exertion mostly from work. I see this a lot in office staff and students. These people tend to sit a lot and use their minds in a very intellectual way.

I've been there myself.

Something easy for you to do is to get a bag of "Seeds of Job's Tears". You should be able to find it in any Chinese market or online with a simple google search for the above or search for "Yi Yi Ren". When you get this, take a small handful and drop it into a small pot of boiling water. Turn down the heat on the water to a simmer and cover the pot. Let it simmer for about 15 to 20 minutes then turn it off. DO NOT EMPTY THE WATER. Add the whole thing to some rice, veggies, no spices. I know that no spices sucks but you need to help yourself out as much as you can.

If this has no effect in about a week. I would have you contact an acupuncturist in your area and get some regular treatments.
Richard Vigorelli
Various etiologies exist.

1. You do get a lot of hours of sleep, so that crosses one off the list. Yet another detail, what hours do you sleep, and do you wake up in the middle of the night or sleep all the way through?

2. Weakness in your ability to extract nutrients from food and circulate them throughout your systems is another common issue. This opens up into another culprit which we call internal dampness (in eastern medical terminology).

3. Adrenal insufficiency is another cause.

Perhaps your physiological functions are all okay. What about your emotional realm? Are you excited about what you do at work and are still tired? When did this fatigue set in and what was happening in your life at that time. If the answer to this last question has an explanation, was that event resolved entirely?

Much to ask and answer before deciding which acupuncture points or herbs to select in treatment. Wish you well.

Try meditation at home. You can find free apps on your phone to guide you. Reason I bring this up is because meditation helps train the brain to follow your will, and not be distracted. Distractions can be draining. Ability to maintain focus on what your will commands prevents your reserves from draining for no reason.
Fatigue is a symptom os so many things and since you do not indicate your age, gender, or any other issues you may be experiencing, my answers are going to be things to rule out, rather than diagnosis. . . .

1. something I have my female clients checked for immediately when they complain of fatigue with no other symptoms is "adrenal fatigue" - many women internalize their problems, issues and anxieties, and as a result end up with an autoimmune condition called adrenal fatigue - if you can find an md who is also a homeo- or osteo-pathic physician he will be more likely to take you seriously and not tellyou it is "all in your head." it is not.

2. It could be another autoimmune disorder - "chronic fatigue syndrome" - same cautions apply here as above. It's not in your head.

3. My guess is that it could be a number of other auto-immune disorders that can be caused by unknown allergies - you would be surprised what you could be allergic to and which cause a break-down in the stomach barrier and seep into the system causing your immune system to act up and do all kinds of awful things . . . . this is a completely non-medical description of what happens!~ LOL but a very real one - see if your md will run a complete allergy screen on you - at 71 I had one run and found out I was allergic to dairy, chicken, eggs, and surprise surprise - wheat - and was tested and diagnosed with a number of auto-immune disorders- happy to say I am healthy and happy today because of a wonderful osteopathic MD who was able to diagnose and treat it all -

4. I had been tested previously for lymes disease 12 times! {of course it could be lymes disease, depending on what part of the country you live, but you would most likely be having other symptoms [I did as the auto-immune symptoms had progressed and do resemble lymes].

5. Thyroid is an obvious choice for further testing since a low functioning thyroid can cause sluggishness, but you would also most likely be gaining weight, as well.

6. Cardiac issues as well because if you aren't getting sufficient blood to the brain it will cause fatigue.

7. Too little of the essential Vitamin D can sap your bone strength, and some research links a deficiency of vitamin D to chronic fatigue syndrome. A simple blood test can test for this or simply start taking a supplement, and they come in drops too and see if there is an improvement -0 also get outside more and get some sun.

8. Iron Deficiency - again a simple blood test or try a supplement or increase foods with iron and see if there is a change; if you are still menstruating, has the blood flow increased considerably of late?

9. Sleep Apnea - you may think you are getting enough sleep, but if you have this, you are not getting sufficient REM sleep.

10. Also if you use alcohol or some sleep aides you may not be getting enough restful sleep and can wake up tired, even though you appear to have put in sufficient hours with your head on the pillow.

11. And of course, fatigue is a common symptom of depression. Only you know if you have any other symptoms of depression. You can easily check out on line what these are.

I hope this has been helpful. If I can be of any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me. I provide health coaching on line as well as other forms of therapy on coaching and my office can provide you with all the information you might need at 301-475-5969; I hope you will go and get a COMPLETE PHYSICAL, and I encourage that you get one from a physician who also treats with alternative methods as well as traditional prescriptions. i have found that alternative medicine often works far superior for women as it usually allows them more control over their treatment. again I would be happy to discuss your options with you once you have a definitive diagnosis. Remember if our minds can make us ill, it can also make us healthy and you have a right to live a happy, joyous, healthy life. That is my wish for you!

Peace, Dr. Carol Drury
Sometimes I wish I could be like famed medical intuit, Edgar Cayce. After 10,000 "readings" he just knew what was happening to the health of people.

The best advise I can give you is to employ the minimum for the maximum result of testing. From the thyroid, liver, adrenals, to most everything in between, anything and everything can cause fatigue. Start with a doctor that understands simplicity and take one step at a time to seek and address the cause.

As you will read, naturopaths tend to recommend naturopathic. Acupuncturists recommend acupuncture with allopaths (MD's) and osteopaths (DO's) recommending their disciplines. The true definition of a doctor is to minister to or to teach. No doctor can teach what they do NOT know. Seek a doctor that knows natural healing and cause to cure principles. Otherwise, you can always go to a doctor that will "treat" your symptoms with either drugs, herbs or other remedies. Treatment may manage symptoms but it will NEVER get to the cause. Only addressing the cause will you then find the cure.
Dr. James Chappell
I'd say see a decent*** naturopathic Physician for a general detox. If you accumulate more toxicants than you can eliminate, over time you overwhelm your body's capacity to function properly. It is safe, and you can only reap benefits from a detox, for it is a mind-body comprehensive cleansing that maximizes the natural eliminative mechanisms.

Be well!
John Kouame
Before doing anything else I would recommend you get a complete physical work-up to rule out any physical causes of your symptoms. I would also want to know if you use any recreational drugs and how often you drink. Beyond that you may be suffereng from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or more likely a form of depression. Once physical reasons are ruled out please seee a qualified psychologist.
you might consider getting checked for mononucleosis
You may need a sleep study to see if you are actually sleeping at night. You may be waking up several times at night at not know it. This might be due to some of the loss of energy you have during the day.