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  1. Ask DoctorBase is a free service for patients on the DoctorBase platform - currently servicing over 6 million American patients of record.
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  3. Our software and our Marketing Engineering staff review each answer and optimize your answers for keywords valuable to your specialty. It is a well kept secret that doctors (you) - not SEO consultants - are the ones who have the most valuable content prized by search engines. Ask DoctorBase "unlocks and optimizes" your content in the most efficient manner possible with today's technology.
  4. Finally, the doctor who provides the most popular answer - "the Featured Answer," gets an added benefit by allowing patients to write rave reviews about your expertise - reviews that are submitted to both Google and Google Local through our Preferred Data Provider relationship.

Ask Dr. Molly if you have questions or want a personal session on how to best use Ask DoctorBase for maximum marketing impact.


Molly Maloof, MD

Director of Clinical Content

My period

Hi my me is Toni and I am 29 years old. Ever started my period ive been a heavy bleeder up until last month. Now this month im just spotting and when i got to change my pad there is hardly anything this normal?
  • Female | 29 years old
  • Medications: N/a
  • Conditions: N/a

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It sounds like you were mostly estrogen dominant which is why you have had heavy periods, but as you are getting closer to your 30's you might be slightly progesterone deficient, which is why you aren't shedding your lining as much and are having lighter periods. I would recommend some hormone balancers: DIM specifically is my go-to supplement for this problem. I also like calcium-d-glucarate and chaste berry extract. Good luck!
Can understand why you would be concerned. First if any chance you're pregnant please do a test now. Then if negative, wouldn't do anything unless this persists more than 3 months. Menstrual variation, even after all these years can happen and most reasons are transient and will resolve spontaneously.

Also if your heavy periods return you may want to speak to your gynecologist as there are options to make them lighter so they are less disruptive to your life.
It is not unusual to have a cycle be different but if it continues or you notice other changes then making an appointment with your gynecologist would be beneficial. Best wishes to you!
Has there been any change in your weight or in how you feel? A full history is important to determine if this is just a light month or if there are some medical conforms causing it. Did anyone in your family have thyroid problems?

Keep track of your next 3 periods and if it varies, is absent, or heavier than normal, then see your doctor.

I'd recommend a home pregnancy test just to be sure that this isn't bleeding in early pregnancy.
Carlos I. Gabriel
Yes, this is normal. Because one can miss her period up to 3 months and will still be considered normal.
Don Ha
Variation is quantity and duration of menstrual flow is normal. You are not a "machine" so every cycle is not the same. Oral contraceptives will make you bleed less, have less cramping on your periods and enhance cycle regularity. Give pills some consideration so smooth out the peaks and valleys.
Richard Demir