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Molly Maloof, MD

Director of Clinical Content

Irregular period

Im irregular but its been three momths i havent got my period i been tested for pregnacy but it always comes out negative idkn what to do ?
  • Female | 22 years old
  • Medications: None
  • Conditions: Chlamydia ,ovary cyst

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Featured Answer

2 UpVoted this answer
There are many reasons for irregular periods and for delayed periods. Most cases are due to lack of ovulation which can be caused by extreme weight (overweight or underweight), hormonal imbalance, medical conditions (such as thyroid dysfunction), medications and other problems with the ovaries and the uterus. The exact cause depends on your age, your health status, your prior period history among other factors. Therefore, a thorough workup is needed to pin point the causes for your period problems.
Souhail Asfouri
1 UpVoted this answer
See your doc. He can help you get pregnant and/or

regulate your menses. People with you menstrual pattern typically take longer to get pregnant, but medication can help.
1 UpVoted this answer
There are many reasons for menstrual problems such as you describe. Primarily would be hormone imbalances due to either ovarian issues and/or weight. You should see your gynecologist for assessment and diagnosis, then appropriate recommendations can be made.
1 UpVoted this answer
You need to see your gynecologist to determine the cause for this menstrual disturbance. A complete medical history, pelvic exam and ultrasound often helps pinpoint the cause.
Mark Perloe
1 UpVoted this answer
Lab work is in order secondary to the amount of time between your cycles. Multiple medical problems could be associated with skipping cycles like you're doing.
1 UpVoted this answer
This may be due to hormonal changes. You may benefit from a pelvic ultrasound and hormone assays to figure out what has delayed your menses.


Follow up with your Gynecologist
Darush L. Mohyi
1 UpVoted this answer
This young lady should see a gynecologist to evaluate her condition. Irregular bleeding at age 22 is usually a signal of some form of hormone imbalance. After a history and physical, the doctor would want to check certain labs related to blood count, thyroid function, FSH, LH, and possibly her blood sugar (rule out diabetes). Fortunately, this condition is rare to be an infection and extremely rare, cancer. Good also is the fact that most cases of irregular bleeding can be treated with improved nutrition, exercise, and medication when needed.

All the Best,

David Stone MD
David Stone
1 UpVoted this answer
I would strongly advise you to see your gynecologist for a careful evaluation and appropriate treatment if necessary.
Mitchell S. Kramer
1 UpVoted this answer
the first thing you can do is do a progesterone challenge. Take progesterone 200 milligrams for 12 days and see if you get a period.. It should come within one and half weeks of stopping the progesterone but usually earlier.If you do not get it then you should get hormonal testing done for LH FSH and estradiol as well as TSH and prolactin. If you have abn. hair growth test got free testosterone. Consult with your doctor.
Margot J. Aiken