Douglas B. Weber, DDS, INC

Practicing since 1989

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Douglas B. Weber, DDS, INC Office Information

  • Map
    1 block west of the corner of 15th West, Across from the Ave J Emergency Entrance to AV Hospital
  • Mon: 8am - 7pm
    Tues: 8am - 7pm
    Wed: 8am - 7pm
    Thurs: 8am - 7pm
    Fri: Call for availability
    Sat: Call for availability
    Sun: Closed

Hello: Great Question! Think of your tooth like a toe that you stubbed bad enough to break it a few days ago. It will likely be positionally sensitive, and overall sore, and could be uncomfortable to tapping and applying pressure, just like that toe. You still should let your Treating doctor know. He may want to evaluate your bite, recheck for a fracture, reduce your bite, or start you on an antibiotic. A Swelling around the tooth high up on the gums, drainage from around the tooth, or stuffy nose isolated to that side, or noticeable looseness of the tooth would require an emergency visit IMO. Good luck with your treatment completion!

Douglas B. Weber

Education & Credentials

USC - University of Southern California
ADA - American Dental Association
CDA - California Dental Association
SFVDS - San Fernando Valley Dental Society