Scott E. Kasden, M.D., F.A.C.S.

Practicing since 1993

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Scott E. Kasden, M.D., F.A.C.S. Office Information

  • Map
    The office is located in the less congested west part of Southlake, Texas, just off of the main artery, West 1709 (West Southlake Blvd). The closest major intersection is Davis/Randoll Mill and West 1709. The office is about a mile west at the next lighted intersection Watermere and West 1709. Turn onto Watermere and then make first right into parking lot. The office is suite 130 located on the right.
  • Mon: 9am - 5pm
    Tues: 9am - 5pm
    Wed: 9am - 5pm
    Thurs: 9am - 5pm
    Fri: 9am - 5pm
    Sat: Call for availability
    Sun: Call for availability

Office Message

Welcome to my practice!

Our mission is to provide you with the finest personal service to meet your needs. We are here for you.
Dr. Kasden is Certified by The American Board of Plastic Surgery, and is a member of the prestigious American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, and American Society of Plastic Surgeons.
Dr. Kasden specialized in cosmetic surgery of the face (face lift, eyelid lift, cheek/mini-lift, neck lift, skin resurfacing), Breast (lift, augmentation, lift, reduction), Abdomen (tummy tuck, panniculectomy), liposuction/body sculpting all areas, fat transfers.
Dr. Kasden focuses his reconstructive efforts on post-bariatric and massive weight loss patients special needs.
Thank you for visiting.



I believe the best way to solve this situation is by communication. This is an elective operation so nobody has the right to demand anything. If this is the situation, consider a second consult.

I also believe that wherever possible, all relevant records should be evaluated prior to surgery. I think a CT should be ordered only if there is a clinical need, as it will generate costs and radiation exposure.

Aside from this, routine lab work is indicated.

I bet your ENT also does turbinectomy, and since he knows you, ask him about it. Turbinectomy is a small (minor?) procedure, but it can carry significant complications.

All the best.


Scott E. Kasden

Education & Credentials

GU - Georgetown University
GWU - The George Washington University
University of Toledo
ASPS - American Society of Plastic Surgeons
ASAPS - American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery
ACS - American College of Surgeons
ABPS - American Board of Plastic Surgery
AAPS - American Association of Plastic Surgeons