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Well, edema is inflammation. If you place your thumb into the tissue as if to press your finger to the bone, hold for about 2 secs, when you let go, does the dimple in the tissue stay for more than 10 secs, if so, this is called pitting edema...and is usually a heart condition or a very serious circulation problem. This suggests the beginning of Congestive Heart Failure, go see your PCL and ask for a Cardiology work-work - up to rule out heart disease. I couldn't tell from your picture, I would need to see your leg on a normal day vs. the leg on a day after exercise. Do not delay, your meds may need some titration

Michael LoGiudice

Education & Credentials

University of Bridgeport
WCA-World Chiropractic Alliance
ACA-American Chiropractic Association
NSCA - National Strength and Conditioning Association
SOMA - Special Operations Medical Association
VA - United States Department of Veterans Affairs