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Fixed canine to canine retainers are placed to provide maximum support to the anterior teeth . If you do this treatment, you must remember two things. One, people are lazy and will frequently stop the necessary homecare to maintain the area. Long term effects of this are cavities on the sides of the teeth and more advanced periodontal ( gum ) problems. Two, it does not provide you with posterior support. A strong tongue trust behavior can advance the anterior 6 out as a unit causing spacing to develope posterior to the canines.. If you had any arch expansion in the posterior, it will collapse in and drive the anterior 6 out as an unit. The next thing that you should look at is why do you have a central space in the first place? Is it due to a high frenum attachment or related to the tongue thrust behavior. If it is due to a high frenum attachment then a frenectomy can help to stabilize the space after you close it down with orthodontics. If spacing is created by a tongue thrust behavior, the spacing is usually more symmetrical and not centered only in the midline. If you go with a fixed retainer, do yourself a favor and have a removable retainer made to fit over the fixed retainer. This will provide an extra layer of retention for the anterior teeth and also stabilize the posterior teeth. PS. Do not get lazy with your hyqiene. Dr. Larry

Lawrence Harkins