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Office Information

  • Map
    Approximately 1 mile east on Phoenix Road from the intersection of Blue Star Highway. Just past Sherman Dairy Ice Cream Bar and located in Locker Plaza between Rent A Center and Dollar General; corner unit next to Lakeshore Rescue Mission. Hours M-Th 9-1 & 3-6
  • Mon: 9am - 6pm
    Tues: 9am - 6pm
    Wed: 9am - 6pm
    Thurs: 9am - 6pm
    Fri: Call for availability
    Sat: Call for availability
    Sun: Closed

Office Message

"For over 20 years my father balanced tires, aligned front ends and straightened frames on thousands of cars for his customers throughout Southwest Michigan. I have taken what I learned from him about mechanics, what I learned in Chiropractic college about the human body and what I have learned in practice from examining thousands of patients and their x-rays and can honestly say "I have followed in Dad’s footsteps having successfully balanced bodies, aligned spines and facilitated straighter health for hundreds of people throughout Southwest Michigan". How? By using common sense when I evaluate examination findings and develop an individual’s “personal” treatment plan.If you would like to see for yourself what “common sense” Chiropractic can do for you call me today to schedule an appointment for your FREE consultation!"

~Dr Kyle McKamey

Yes, they are great! Just be sure not to overuse as it can lead to the reversal of proper spinal curvatures. I recommend using every other day for no more than 10 minutes or as needed for pain.

Kyle McKamey

Education & Credentials

MAC - Michigan Association of Chiropractors