Sheahon Chiropractic

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Sheahon Chiropractic Office Information

Office Message

My name is Dr. Kyle Sheahon. I graduated from Cleveland Chiropractic College in Kansas City 2014, and began my college education at the University of Kansas where I earned a Bachelors of Science in Pre-Physical Therapy. It was then that I became intrigued with the ability that chiropractic and the body has to heal itself through adjustment and various rehabilitation methods. Naturally, I found myself drawn towards the field of Chiropractic.

I was born and raised in Salina, KS, and am well aware of the close sense of community it has to offer. A great part of the reason I chose to practice in my hometown of Salina, KS is because of the sense of community this town can offer myself and my family.

One thing that will never cease to amaze me is the human body. The body is capable of healing itself of pain and inflammation due to various means, if the root cause of that pain is simply treated. With chiropractic spinal manipulation, inflammation reduction modalities, and improving spinal stability through rehabilitation techniques, chiropractic can greatly improve a person's wellness or quality of life. That's where I come in. It's my job to identify the root cause of your symptoms, correct them, and decrease your pain without the drugs that do nothing but mask your symptoms and perpetuate your dysfunction.

Very normal for a person who sits at a desk all day. The problem with posture is that you can't simply will it to improve, you have to do strength and stability exercises. There are plenty of great stretches and strengthening exercises that will relieve this musculoskeletal pain.

Lat. Pulldowns on the cable will help those posterior spinal stabilizers and pull your shoulders back where they belong.
External rotation at the shoulder is going to improve movement at the shoulder.
Doorway stretch to release some of the tight muscles that contribute to this pain.

All exercises are done slow and under control. A good personal trainer will know exactly how to help you with this as well. And don't forget, as far as mobility, the chiropractic adjustment will contribute greatly to this.

Kyle Sheahon

Education & Credentials

KU - University of Kansas
CCC-KC - Cleveland Chiropractic College - Kansas City