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Oak Street Dentistry Office Information

Yes, prolonged wide openings could cause stress in the joint area and trigger return of symptoms. During treatment patient should be given breaks to do relaxation exercises for joint and muscles

James K. Kirkpatrick

Education & Credentials

UCLA - University of California, Los Angeles
California State University-Chico
WUStL - Washington University in St. Louis School of Medicine
Pankey Institute
AACD - American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry
ADA - American Dental Association
CDA - California Dental Association
AGD - Academy of General Dentistry
United States Navy
  • Benefits of Digital Radiography


    Digital X-ray | James K. Kirkpatrick | Dentist | Bakersfield, CARadiographs, or X-rays, are used in every dental office. They are a great way to see the teeth and bones, and they make sure they are healthy. In the past, X-rays were taken using little pieces of covered film. They were placed in the mouth and exposed using an X-ray machine. They always jabbed...
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  • Dental Implants, Crowns, Bridges, and Veneers

    Dental Implant | James K. Kirkpatrick | Dentist | Bakersfield, CAWhy Should I Replace a Missing Tooth?
    The healthiest alternative to a missing tooth is to have it replaced. Potential issues may arise associated with a lost tooth, such as biting, chewing, and speaking problems, headaches, muscle pain, as well as an unattractive appearance.
    What are Dental Implants?
  • Teeth Whitening: Products, Procedures & Myths


    Mouth w/ strawberry | James K. Kirkpatrick | Dentist | Bakersfield, CATeeth whitening has become all the rage in cosmetic dentistry. A pearly-white smile embodies a healthy, youthful and attractive radiance that is vastly appealing in our society. If your smile is lacking a little sparkle, become familiar with these products and procedures and steer clear of some...
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