Howard M. Steinberg, DMD, MDS, PC

Practicing since 1985

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Howard M. Steinberg, DMD, MDS, PC Office Information

  • Mon: 9am - 5pm
    Tues: 9am - 5pm
    Wed: 9am - 5pm
    Thurs: 9am - 3pm
    Fri: Call for availability
    Sat: Closed
    Sun: Closed

Office Message

Contact the office of Dr. Howard M. Steinberg today to schedule a FREE Smile Consulation.

The short answer is have the dentist remove the old filling before doing the new crown. It is impossible to be sure that there is not decay or problems that can be significant under that old filling. It is not worth the risk so I highly recommend you have it removed and a probable new core placed before you do the new crown. I have been practicing for over 30 years and I have seen thousands of old fillings that looked OK on the X-ray only to discover that there was significant decay under that filling. I almost always remove the old filling as I do not want a new crown to be placed over a defective filling that may fail in the near future. Good luck with whatever you do.

Howard M. Steinberg


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Education & Credentials

University of Pittsburgh
UA - The University of Arizona
AACD - American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry
ACP - American College of Prosthodontists
ADA - American Dental Association
Crown Council
AAID - American Academy of Implant Dentistry
AzDA - Arizona Dental Association