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No, there is currently no known way to remove any scar. The human body repairs itself with scar tissue which is different from normal skin and will therefore look differently. To make the scar disappear, it would have to be replaced with normal skin and in adults that's not possible at this time. Baby's while still inside the mother apparently do have the ability to regenerate new skin, as evidenced by the fact that some babies who were operated on while still inside the mother do not apparently show a scar when they are born. As adults we have lost this ability to regenerate new skin. There is some indication that adults also may still have that capacity to grow and regenerate damaged parts including skin, but at present we do not know the key to turning that process on, once again. There is a procedure used in lengthening extremities by slowly stretching them at a rate of approximately 1 mm. a day, and it appears that as the long bones of the extremities are stretched the skin, nerves, blood vessels etc. do have the capacity to actually grow by adding new tissue cells as needed, and we can call this new growth in adults. At some undetermined time in the future it may by possible to turn on this latent capacity to regenerate new skin, and when that can be done, we may be able to do surgery without leaving a scar. At the present time the best we can do is to minimize and disguise the scars.
Joseph Hayhurst M.D.

Joseph W Hayhurst