For those of you who have lost weight through diet and exercise, but still are bothered by excess body fat deposits, liposuction may be for you. Liposuction, or lipoplasty, is a surgical procedure that improves body contour by removing excess fat deposits from the area between the skin and muscle. Liposuction involves a small stainless steel tube (or cannula) that is connected to a powerful suction pump. While the patient is under anesthesia, the cannula is inserted into the fat through small incisions in the skin. The fat removal procedure creates tiny tunnels through the fatty layers. After liposuction, the tunnels collapse, resulting in improved body contour.
After the surgery, compression garments or elastic bandages are put on the treated areas to control swelling and compress the new body contours. Healing may take several months while post operative swelling decreases. Results can be long lasting provided there is no significant weight gain after surgery. 
Areas of the body that are most commonly treated with liposuction are the hips, abdomen, thighs, buttocks, and face. Liposuction will only remove fat; it will not remove cellulite. As with any surgery, there are risks involved. Possible side effects may include uneven contours, rippling or loose skin, skin or nerve damage, and irregular pigmentation around the treated area.
Ideal candidates are adults within 30% of their ideal weight who have elastic skin and muscle tone. A person must be a healthy, non-smoker with no medical conditions that can affect healing. Lastly, ideal candidates must have a positive outlook and realistic goals for what they want their body to look like. If you believe you are a good candidate for liposuction, you should contact your physician to schedule a consultation to review what liposuction can do to help you achieve the body you have always wanted.