Dental Associates, PA

Practicing since 1983

  • Takes Time to Listen: 100%
  • Communicates Well: 99%
  • Recommendable: 100%
  • Average Wait Time: 3 minutes

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  • Takes Time to Listen: 100%
  • Communicates Well: 99%
  • Recommendable: 100%
  • Average Wait Time: 3 minutes

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Dental Associates, PA Office Information

  • Map
    We are located 4 blocks north of University on the Southeast corner of Solano and Milton.
  • Mon: 7am - 5pm
    Tues: 7am - 1pm
    Wed: 7am - 5pm
    Thurs: 7am - 1pm
    Fri: 7am - 1pm
    Sat: Closed
    Sun: Closed

Office Message

Dental Associates Mission Statement:

We Believe each unique individual is deserving of safety, comfort, respect and most of all, a dedication to comprehensive health care.
Together, we can create a positive experience by nurturing and empowering those around us to achieve their unlimited potential.
We pledge to demonstrate professionalism, integrity, honesty, motivation, innovation and excellence in all that we do.

Visually, it appears that the tooth is salvageable. Obviously, an xray would determine if there is, in fact, sufficient tooth structure to save the tooth. A root canal and crown is the most likely treatment were you to save the tooth. Extraction is always a less attractive option, but one can live quite well missing only a second molar. Get in soon and have the tooth evaluated and discuss treatment options with your provider is my recommendation.

David Sudimack, DDS

David Sudimack

Education & Credentials

ADA - American Dental Association