InStride-Family Foot & Ankle Center

Practicing since 1991

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InStride-Family Foot & Ankle Center Office Information

  • Map
    We are just north of Duke Raleigh Hospital off Wake Forest Road in North Raleigh.
  • Mon: 9am - 5pm
    Tues: 9am - 5pm
    Wed: 9am - 5pm
    Thurs: 9am - 5pm
    Fri: 9am - 5pm
    Sat: Closed
    Sun: Closed

As others have wisely said, please see a podiatrist as soon as possible. This could be any number of things based on your description. Some could be serious like abscesses or infections. Others not serious but painful and debilitating. Knowing your age, gender and having a picture could possible narrow it down some but nothing beats having a proper exam and testing/xrays. Your feet do not have to hurt. There are effective treatments for most all conditions. See someone to get a proper diagnosis and treatment.

Douglas Smith