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There are several things you can consider here. Candida, parasites, eczema or a very simple imbalance in your essential fatty acids. The low-fat/non-fat craze accomplished a great state of imbalance for people with their fatty acids. Most people do not get enough omega-3 in their diet. We consider skin issues to come from the inside out.
Try simplifying your foods, getting off of the sugar, and taking a really good omega-3 fish oil (we have some really great nutrition manufacturers) at night before you go to bed. Another thing some of our patients to is to alkalize their systems by focusing on eating 80% alkaline forming foods (vegetables and fruits) and 20% acid forming foods (proteins and grains) Add Greens First and a good probiotic to that combination and watch your eczema clear .
Our best guess works for many, but to really nail this, we suggest that you stop the guesswork and consider our Comprehensive Nutritional Analysis. It's better than guessing and you'd be amazed at how good you feel when you fill those nutritional deficiencies that create the symptoms you are experiencing~! At, everything starts with our symptom survey online and it's FREE~! Our practitioners will review your survey and make a recommendation for nutritional products or testing to support your issues. And again, it’s FREE~!

Debi Foli