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Semen analysis has been the gold standard of initial test for male infertility, but its clinical significance and normal range have evolved and changed over time. Yet your report of semen analysis could be considered as being "normal". Clinically, you are most likely in the puzzle and maze of overcoming infertility with your partner. Generally speaking, some 10-15% of couples have difficulty to achieve pregnancy over one-year unprotected sexual intercourse; 50% of causes are from females; 30%, from males; and 20%, in part from females and males. So, who may be more responsible for infertility? Obtaining the detailed history of sexuality and fertility as well as proper physical examination of either side is essential as the first step of evaluation and counseling for assessing infertility. Thereafter, further evaluation and counseling could be conducted so to deduce who is responsible. More? Ask your urologist and her gynecologist for a collaborative effort so to achieve a better benefit in searching for realistic options to help solve infertility if possible.

Chin-Ti Lin