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Spinal Vitality Office Information

  • Mon: 9am - 1pm
    Tues: 3pm - 6:30pm
    Wed: Closed
    Thurs: 9am - 1pm
    Fri: 3pm - 6:30pm
    Sat: Call for availability
    Sun: Closed

Your posture is a reflection of your muscle tone, your spinal flexibility and your experience of life. If your spine is too rigid and locked in defense you will have a very hard time correcting your posture because you are asking your muscles to fight against the stiffness of your spine. This battle will leave you feeling very sore. See a good chiropractor who can help you with spinal flexibility ( I recommend a Network Spinal Analysis chiropractor). Then follow the advice of other to have smaller time increments for correcting your posture to allow your muscles the time to adapt to a new way of working and holding your body. Take a long term approach with a little done very regularly and you will have your result without all the pain. Your back will rebuild itself because the body is self-healing and be realistic in your approach to doing it. Good luck and reach out if you would like more information.

Burton Wagner