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Molly Maloof, MD

Director of Clinical Content

Unexplained dizziness

Any time I think of doing something I am not supposed to or I know is wrong, ie, say something rude to a customer, I get very dizzy and lightheaded. And as I am acting, saying the thought, it gets worse. And my eyes seem as if they seize up to the side and I can't control them. Why would this happen? I experience it almost every day.
  • Female | 28 years old
  • Complaint duration: 52 days
  • Medications: Muscle relaxer, birth control, Naproxen

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This is spiritual feedback. Everyone has the potential to know right from wrong thoughts , words and actions. It is known in all true spiritual traditions: That which is done to others is done to ourselves. Our true nature is to be loving towards all in all situations. Anything else causes inner conflict in varying intensities. We are all stuck in bodies on this planet to remember how to be loving unconditionally.

Be glad your conscience is awake and you can perceive the harm you cause yourself when doing wrong. Many people have totally lost this and on a daily basis cause themselves more and more suffering.

If you ignore this feedback eventually you will lose it. The inner conflict you experience as dizziness and difficulty looking straight forward, will build up in your body and manifest in your life in many unpleasant ways.

Wishing you the strength to reconcile with all, forgive all and love all, even if you're the only one behaving this way.

Roger Gietzen
I would not quickly jump to say that this experience of dizziness is caused by spiritual feedback. So, let's take a more comprehensive perspective and work your way in differentiating the cause of these symptoms. Symptoms of dizziness and lightheadedness can be multi-factorial. From vascular and metabolic issues to problems with the balance and sensory motor processing systems. The most common cause of dizziness is due to the equilibrium centers in the inner ear called the vestibular system. And since these control postural reflexes throughout the body and eye movements involved with turning or moving in space-- they can cause problems with gaze holding, depth perception, visual blurriness and spontaneous eye movements. The best way to evaluate this is with videonystagmography (VNG) which uses an infrared camera over the eyes to objectively measure your eyes as you test various movements and visual tracking skills. The trigger you describe can be a stress related response which can cause temporary vasoconstriction of blood flow to your eyes--leading to brief blurriness of vision, or a vasovagal response in which the stress response triggers excessive blood vessel dilation and temporary low blood pressure--leading to dizziness and lightheadednes. I noticed you mentioned that you are taking muscle relaxants. These also inhibit and suppress the vestibular reflexes and the brain function globally and should be discussed with your healthcare provider.

With all that said, you should start with a physical and neurological examination. Find a EENT or medical neurologist in your area. A chiropractic neurologist who uses the VNG equipment have extensive training in the diagnosis and rehabilitation of vestibular and neurological disorders. They can also order blood work or other labs to evaluate your physiological health as well. To find a board certified chiropractic neurologist in your area you can go here: To learn more about diagnostic testing that I mention, go here: