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Ask Dr. Molly if you have questions or want a personal session on how to best use Ask DoctorBase for maximum marketing impact.


Molly Maloof, MD

Director of Clinical Content

Do I have an Iron deficency?

I have been very drowsy feeling, and weak the past two days. Feeling fatigue and had diarrhea took some medicine and it stopped. I take medicine to help me fall asleep and stay asleep, and I slept good last night then during the day, I'm still do drained and tired. I have slight sinus issues, a little stuffy and have a random hard cough every so often.
  • Female | 22 years old
  • Complaint duration: 2 days
  • Medications: Welbutrin, Trazodone, Hydroxyzine, Sprintec.
  • Conditions: previous trouble sleeping well started on the trazodone and sleeping was great.

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iron deficiency anemia and none iron deficiency anemia should be established first.
I would not rule out the possible side effects to the medications or interaction for headache and drowsiness.

talk to your doctor for a possible change or adjustment of the meds. you're on.

Best way to determine is through a simple blood test. Test can evaluate: serum iron, transferritin, ferratin, and Red Blood cell Morphology (evaluates hemaglobin and how it effects RBC size) Any MD can doe this, however I would recommend you find An FM Doctor because they use a more modern scientific approach (

Best wishes,
those of us who bleed on a regular basis often end up with iron deficiency. when ferritin levels fall below 30, this is enough to cause fatigue. this happens on the way to iron deficiency anemia. anemia can certainly make someone tired. but this is a chronic problem that comes on doesn't develop in just the 2 days you mentioned. iron deficiency is also pretty easy to figure out with simple blood tests.

but feeling weak for just 2 days? along with diarrhea, stuffy with a cough? sure sounds a lot like a cold.
I agree with the previous statement. You should check out the side effects of your current medications and you just might find your answers.
The medications you are taking for issues such as depression and allergies may be causing the feelings of chronic fatigue. Also, some birth control pills may elevate your blood pressure causing unusual tiredness. You may have a slight sinus infection which could be contributing to the malaise feelings. Opting to take a good multivitamin which contains iron may prove helpful regarding your health. Additionally, taking colloidal silver or echinacea will clear up any infection which is brewing within the body. Chamomile tea also quells sinus conditions and will allow you to get proper rest.
Margaret Bailey
Most likely cause of your fatigue are your medications and they should be adjusted. unlikely your anemic unless you're at risk (Vegan, heavy menstrual periods, genetic conditions etc.). You need your meds adjusted.
Manish Varma
Somnolence and fatigue are common reactions associated with trazodone. Diarrhea and abdominal pain can be the side effects of Wellbutrin. Syntec has depression as one of its side effects. Your doctor may need to switch you to a different OCP, which may even mean you will have no need for trazodone and Wellbutrin. Let me know how that goes.
Check with your Primary Care Physician first, before you do anything...Amen?!!!
Go , order a 38 elements hair analysis for $200.00 including interpretation and we will better be able to address and customize your specific concerns.
Ken Friedenberg